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23-Year-Old Dies After Disco Beating: Parents Report Health Workers and Bouncers

A 23-year-old boy, Omar Bassi, died on August 5 in Reggio Calabria, where he was on vacation due to a cerebral hemorrhage. On July 20, at a party in a nightclub in the Varese area, he was the victim of a beating by the club staff. He then went to the hospital and was discharged with a three-day prognosis, so much so that he peacefully left for his vacation. And now, in the columns of the newspaper La Prealpina, his relatives are asking to verify whether there is a connection between the beatings he received days before, the visit to the emergency room and his death, which occurred a few days later.

Omar’s parents, residents of Bollate, immediately turned to the police, reporting the bouncers identified by witnesses as responsible for the beating in the nightclub, but also the health workers of the Alto Milanese facility where the young man had turned to two days later, and who had discharged him with a green code, prescribing paracetamol in case of pain. Comforted by the medical visit, during the night between August 2 and 3 the 23-year-old had left for Calabria. On the morning of the 5th, his parents found him collapsed on the ground. Transported by helicopter to the hospital in Reggio, the twenty-three-year-old was subjected to a CT scan with contrast fluid, the verdict merciless: brain death. His heart stopped beating a few hours later. An autopsy will be performed on the boy’s body, in the meantime the judicial documents will be sent to the Busto Arsizio (Varese) prosecutor’s office for territorial jurisdiction.

The sum of over 3000 euros has been reached with a fundraiser launched by a friend of Omar Bassi, the 23-year-old boy who died in Calabria after being the victim of a beating in a nightclub in the Varese area. “A 23-year-old boy was brutally beaten outside a nightclub by more than 5 bouncers! For no reason continuously my brother because for me he was a brother we grew up together! I ask you to donate as much as you feel if you have a heart for his poor parents and the people dear to him. Justice for Omy!” asks the friend, who three days ago launched the collection on the Gofundme platform.

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#23YearOld #Dies #Disco #Beating #Parents #Report #Health #Workers #Bouncers
– 2024-08-09 17:13:02

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