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23 high school students now in Corona quarantine – Lower Austria

A guy who attended a private high school in Hollabrunn was tested positive for Corona. The state of Lower Austria has now initiated measures for the security of contact persons.

As it became known this afternoon the son of a Viennese couple already infected with the coronavirus was also tested positive for the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2),

Since the son in Lower Austria attended the Archiepiscopal Gymnasium in Hollabrunn, the responsible district administrative authority immediately initiated measures to quarantine at home, the responsible regional councilor Ulrike Königsberger-Ludwig informed after a current situation discussion.

A total of four teachers and 23 students born between 2003 and 2005 are affected. For these people, a so-called “segregation in their own premises”, ie the domestic quarantine, was ordered.

This means that you must not leave your own living area; if symptoms occur, the health authority (district administration) must be informed. The measures will continue until March 11th.

“So far, 200 suspected cases have been tested”

“The Lower Austria medical staff meets constantly to take all comprehensive precautions. I am convinced that we are well prepared for any illnesses on the part of the state clinics. So far, 200 suspected cases have been tested, all of which were negative. For me it is important that we exactly comply with the central federal guidelines “, emphasizes LH deputy Stephan Pernkopf, who is also in contact with Minister of Health Anschober.

In addition, State Councilor Königsberger-Ludwig is in intensive exchange with the Vienna City Councilor Peter Hacker. In the event of suspicion, the health hotline should be contacted at 1450, the state health authority notes.

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