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23 asylum seekers tested positive for COVID-19 after leaving one …


In the province of Luxembourg, the center for asylum seekers in Manhay went into quarantine after 23 residents tested positive for COVID-19. That reports La Dernière Heure.

The infections could be traced back to an approved trip by a resident. He had gone to Antwerp a few days before the most recent measures at the end of July, the Red Cross clarifies. When a nurse heard about the trip to Antwerp, where the number of infections had meanwhile risen sharply, she asked the resident to be tested, although he did not show any symptoms at the time. The test turned out positive and 22 other residents were also infected, according to La Dernière Heure.

In total, the Red Cross center in Manhay currently houses 146 asylum seekers. The entire staff and all residents have been or will be tested. The center was quarantined until further notice. blg

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