NEW YORK — As every year, New York City will pay tribute and hold a commemoration ceremony to remember the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Telemundo 47 will have live coverage on our digital platforms and on Telemundo 47.
The heart of the mission 9/11 Memorial & Museum it is still the venue of the event. The 22nd anniversary commemoration ceremony will be held at Memorial Plaza where relatives of victims and survivors will gather once again to read aloud the names of the 2,983 people, including children, who died in the attacks. of September 11 and the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
Throughout the ceremony, there will be six moments of silence marking the moments when each of the World Trade Center towers were hit, when each tower fell, and the times corresponding to the attack on the Pentagon and the crash of United Airlines Flight 93. in Pennsylvania.
The program will begin at 8:30 a.m. and the first moment of silence will be observed at 8:46 a.m.
Families will be able to access the Memorial plaza starting at 7:30 am and the commemoration is expected to conclude at approximately 1:00 pm The invitation and/or letter you received in August, as well as the case numbers P and T or Memorial Park ID cards will serve as your family’s credentials for admission to the ceremony.
The Museum will be open exclusively for family members on September 11 with the first entry at 8:00 am and the last entry at 5:30 pm The Museum will close at 7:00 pm due to capacity limitations and for help ensure timely admission.
Due to capacity limitations at the Museum and to help ensure your timely entry, advance reservations are recommended. As always, tickets to the Museum are free for family members. Each family member must have a ticket to access the Museum. To book tickets go here.
How to see the commemoration
Telemundo 47 will have live coverage on our digital platforms and on Telemundo 47 starting at 8:25 am, you can see it in this article.
moments of silence
Each year, the moments below are observed as part of the official 9/11 anniversary commemoration ceremony held at the World Trade Center for the families of the victims.
8:46 a. m.: the tragic moment when the first of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11, crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.
9:03 a. m.: The second minute of silence is held, which coincides with the exact moment when the second plane crashed into the South Tower.
9:37 a. m.: When American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, near Washington, DC, a tragedy in which all 64 passengers died.
9:59 am: The South Tower collapsed.
10:03 a. m.: After learning of the other attacks, the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 launched a counterattack against the hijackers aboard their plane to try to take control of the aircraft. In response, the hijackers crashed the plane in an empty field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. It caused the death of 44 passengers on board.
10:28 a. m.: The North Tower collapsed, leaving the 16-acre World Trade Center site in ruins and collateral damage affecting all adjacent properties and streets. Rescue work began immediately.
ringing bells
The 9/11 bell ringing can be given at 8:46 am, the start of the attacks, or at each of the times listed above.
Light Tribute in Lower Manhattan
The Tribute of Light is a commemorative public art installation first presented six months after 9/11 and then every year thereafter, from dusk to dawn, on the night of 9/11. It has become an iconic symbol honoring the victims.
Mounted on the terrace of the 9/11 Memorial’s Battery Parking Garage, the beams reach up to four miles into the sky and are comprised of eighty-eight 7,000-watt xenon bulbs positioned in two 48-foot squares, echoing the shape and orientation of the Twin Towers. The installation can also be seen from a 60 mile radius around Lower Manhattan.
Sunday September 10
The afternoon and early evening hours of Sunday, September 10, 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm, will be reserved exclusively for the families of September 11 and February 26, 1993, family members of people who are ill or who have died since 9/11, 9/11 rescue and recovery workers, first responders, 9/11 and 1993 survivors, active duty military and veterans, Lower Manhattan residents and business owners, and members of the active and retired flight crew.
From 5:00 to 6:00 pm, the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program and the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund (VCF) will present an informational session at the 9/11 Memorial Museum Education Center. September. This session will cover each of the various program missions, criteria, and enrollment processes. Partner organizations will be available to share resources and information in the lobby lobby.
2023-09-06 18:13:07
#York #City #commemorate #22nd #anniversary