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22-year-old missing: – New photos: Here she disappeared

Just ten minutes before Mia Skadhauge Stevn (22) was picked up by a dark car, she was caught on surveillance cameras at the Club Wolf in Aalborg, Denmark.

Since then no one has seen signs of her life.

The owner of Aalborg club Club Wolf, Lasse Bøgelund Madsen (19), himself witnessed Stevn arrive at his club just before six o’clock.

– At ten to six she came walking into the entrance of the club with a beer in her hand from another bar. We asked her for identification, but it was difficult for her to open the phone and we let her in anyway. It was only a few minutes until we had to close the club, says Madsen to Dagbladet and continues:

– Suddenly she comes and interrupts a conversation between me and my DJ, before I ask if that beer was bought from us, which I could see it wasn’t. Then we turned on the lights and all the guests had to leave regardless.

WITNESS: The owner of the nightclub Club Wolf, Lasse Bøgelund Madsen, was probably one of the last people that Mia Skadhauge Stevn talked to before she disappeared. Photo: private

WITNESS: The owner of the nightclub Club Wolf, Lasse Bøgelund Madsen, was probably one of the last people Mia Skadhauge Stevn talked to before she disappeared. Photo: private
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– Exposed to a crime

In consultation with the family, the 22-year-old was reported missing by name and picture after she failed to return home from the city the night between Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 February in Aalborg, Denmark. Det skriver politiet i Nordjylland i en press release.

Stevns has not turned up after the search over Monday, and the police in North Jutland have therefore launched a massive investigation.

Det har ledet til at politiet har kommet på sporet av en mørk personbil som är veldig interessant for etterforskningen vidare, skriver politiet.

– We’re working on the hills to find Mia. It is more worrying the longer it takes before we find her, and we are worried that something has happened to her, said Deputy Inspector Frank Olsen of the North Jutland police to Dagbladet Monday.

The police in North Jutland therefore believe that Stevns may have been the victim of something criminal.

– Taken together, this information makes us work from a theory that Mia may have been the victim of a crime, Olsen said Monday in a press release.

SAVNET: Mia Skadhauge Stevns was last seen entering a dark passenger car. The police suspect that it is a so-called pirate taxi. Photo: Nordjyllands police

SAVNET: Mia Skadhauge Stevns was last seen entering a dark passenger car. The police suspect that it is a so-called pirate taxi. Photo: Nordjyllands police
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Contact the police

In the course of Monday, nightclub owner Madsen became aware of the case of the missing 22-year-old.

– It was my father who showed me an article that Mia had disappeared. Plutselig gikk det op for meg at det var den samma kvinninnen jeg hadkket med søndag morgen. I remembered her especially because of the beer I confiscated from her, he tells Dagbladet.

Like etter kontaktet han policet för å gi dem opplysningene han hadde.

– When I got my breath back, I called the police. Then I was told that I would be contacted by a prosecutor, but I heard nothing from them during the Monday. So I called back today and told them everything I knew and said I had surveillance footage,” he says.

He adds that he thinks it may take time for the police to get back to him, as they have received over 400 inquiries in the matter, according to BT.

From the information the police have given, Madsen suspects that he is one of the last people Stevns has talked to before she disappeared.

– It is scary that such things happen in Aalborg, he says.

Seemed affected

According to Madsen and several other witnesses, Stevn appeared intoxicated when she arrived at the nightclub with a beer in hand from another bar.

The doorman at the club asked her to leave the club, which she did ten minutes after her arrival.

Madsen says, however, that the 22-year-old first walked down Jomfru Ane Gade in a southerly direction, but later he saw on the surveillance footage for the club that she suddenly turned and walked in the opposite direction.

BIL: Police are investigating this car in the case. Photo: Nordjyllands police

Police are investigating this car. Photo: Nordjyllands police
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– The driver made contact

On Tuesday, police reported in a press release that they are still investigating witnesses and video material in the case.

They are investigating surveillance material in between 03.00- 10.00 on Sunday 6 February.

Police are particularly interested in a dark passenger car that Stevn got into at 06.09. They want to map which direction the car has taken after they left Vesterbro in Aalborg.

To Danish TV 2 says police inspector Frank Olsen that they know it was the driver of the car who made contact with Stevn.

– We have nothing to suggest that she ordered the car to stop. It is the car that stops and the driver who makes contact with her, he says.

From the information police already have about Stevn, it is unusual that she would have gotten into a car to be driven home from the city.

Police do not rule out that the 22-year-old knows the driver of the car, but they are also working on the theory that it is a pirate taxi.

– We’re keeping all options open right now. Even if there is nothing to suggest that she has used pirate taxis in the past, it cannot be ruled out that she has got into a pirate taxi if she was drunk and frozen, says Olsen.

Two kids missing

But Stevns is not the only person who disappeared after a city trip in Aalborg last week.

Parallel to the search for Stevns, police are also for Oliver Ibæk Lund (21), who disappeared after a night out in Aalborg.

He has not been found either, and the police launched a large search already Friday with divers and helicopter.

At this time, police are not investigating the matter as a crime.

– There is no connection between the two cases, says Olsen to Dagbladet Monday.

Because of the massive search for both Lund and Stevns, the police are flocking to the gates in Aalborg.

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