Home » today » World » 22 Chinese fighter jets break through Taiwan’s air, biggest since early 2022

22 Chinese fighter jets break through Taiwan’s air, biggest since early 2022

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Taiwan reported as many as 22 fighter jets China broke through the island’s air defense zone (ADIZ) on Monday (30/5) and was the biggest ‘assault’ since late January 2022.

According to the Taiwanese government, the attack was China’s latest mission which included 22 warplanes, electronic warfare, early warning and anti-submarine warfare, it was quoted as saying. Reuters.

The plane was flying in the northeastern area of ​​Pratas, a location quite far from Taiwan. Although many Chinese fighter jets passed by the ADIZ, they did not open fire.

In response to the repeated incidents, Taiwan rushed to deploy 30 planes to repel Chinese jets.

China’s ‘bullying’ against Taiwan was the biggest attack since January 23. At that time they reported 39 Beijing Air Force planes into Taiwan’s ADIZ. The deployment was aimed at warning Chinese aircraft, while the missile system monitored them.

So far there has been no direct comment from the Chinese side. If they do respond, they often claim the action is an exercise to protect the country’s sovereignty.

China and Taiwan are often at odds. The island insists on independence, but Beijing will continue to defend it even if by force.

[Gambas:Video CNN]


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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