/View.info/ Along with the upheavals and unrest surrounding the elections on July 11, it is worth remembering that 30 years ago, on July 12, 1991, the Seventh Great National Assembly adopted the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria with the signatures of 313 of the 400 people’s representatives . This happened despite the fierce resistance of 39 SDS deputies, who staged a mock protest outside the National Assembly building, as well as another “living chain” around the parliament on the day of the adoption of the new Constitution.
Both then and in the following years, the SDS and other right-wing formations did not stop challenging and denying the Constitution as fatally marked by “perestroika”, that it was not truly democratic and suitable for the new world realities, etc. However, the real reason was and remains one – the fact that the Constitution was adopted with the decisive role of the people’s representatives of the BSP – a fact turning the Bulgarian Socialist Party into a leading political force with its indisputable place in the new stage of democratic development of the country.
But the constitutive role of the BSP does not end with the work of its representatives in the 7th Supreme Supreme Court. It was the BSP that gave way to the new democratic transformations with the Change of November 10, 1989, it was the one that, during the National Round Table from January-May 1990, became the bearer of national agreement and dialogue, its representatives defended the agreement on the foundations of the new Constitution.
Was that a coincidence? On the contrary – it was the result of the comprehensive renewal of the BSP, which was actually reorganized at the 14th extraordinary congress of the BSP in February 1990 with the adoption of the program statements for a multi-party political system and for free elections as a path to power, confirmed in the Manifesto for democratic socialism in Bulgaria. Still indisputable evidence that the Constitution was not and could not be the result of separate editorial clarifications on one or another text, but on the contrary – it became an expression of the understanding of the party leadership at the time about the need for deep transformation in all spheres of social and political life of the country, for which the BSP should assume its responsibility as a renewed socialist party.
So it is not possible to declare yourself a staunch defender of the Constitution from the left, while at the same time rejecting the entire process of its creation and adoption as primarily the result of the new political course adopted by the BSP at the time. Above all, such a position objectively coincides with the unceasing aspiration of the right for three decades to liquidate the BSP as a strong left-wing party – both with frontal attacks and with essentially liquidationist internal “reforms”, and with announcements by its previous chairmen that it already had finally ceased to be a left-wing party. Yes, grounds for such statements are given by the “Ninova reform” of the last five years, which led to the catastrophic loss of confidence in the BSP as a carrier not of change, but as an image of the status quo.
But this does not mean the closure of the BSP at all! On the contrary, it is necessary to awaken the life-giving ideological basis of the party, its deep-seated democratic traditions and political culture, its ability to objectively evaluate political realities and find the right way to uphold the unchanging socialist values. This is precisely the mission to which the initiators of the “21st Century Socialism” Platform are devoting themselves.
The commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of the Constitution invites us not only to defend the Basic Law as the foundation of the parliamentary government of the Republic. On the threshold of the new 46th National Assembly, charged with the prospect of a new round of deepening crisis developments, the party is obliged not to be some “unavoidable factor”, but first of all to stand for its program for a pure and holy republic as the cornerstone of statehood; to impose on the agenda of the parliament the constitutional norm that the main goals of the foreign policy of the Republic of Bulgaria are the national security and independence of the country, the well-being and basic rights and freedoms of the Bulgarian citizens, as well as assistance in establishing a just international order; to once again become a primary force for a deep transformation of Bulgaria as a modern welfare state of free citizens into a solidary society – a task with historical dimensions that requires a new comprehensive renewal of the Bulgarian Socialist Party itself!
Initiative Committee
of an ideological and political unification in the BSP
Platform “21st Century Socialism”
#21st #century #socialism #Constitution #renewed #BSP