A 93-year-old with dementia who, due to illness, mistook her 24-hour nurse for a burglar and attacked her in her apartment in Vienna-Wieden, ended up in a prison for more than two weeks.
© APA/Gindl
21-year-old called the police. The perpetrators fled without taking anything.
In the Lehen district of Salzburg, a 21-year-old was threatened by two men with a pistol on Thursday. According to the police, they forced him to withdraw cash at 10:50 p.m.
They aimed the handgun directly at the young man and loaded it through. The victim entered the anteroom of the bank and alerted the police there by mobile phone. The unknown perpetrators, who had been waiting in front of the house, fled without taking anything. The search has so far been unsuccessful.
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2023-05-12 07:19:16
#Man #Salzburg #forced #withdraw #money #drawn #gun