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2030 Expo: Competing to Host the International Event – Busan, Saudi Arabia, and Rome


The World Expo and Expo are as international events as the Olympics or the World Cup.

The vote to determine the final venue for the 2030 Expo (November 28) is now just two months away.

While President Yoon Seok-yeol is making an all-out diplomatic effort to attract Busan, our government is engaged in a fierce competition with Saudi Arabia, which puts ‘oil money’ at the forefront.

Reporter Shin Hyeon-jun looked at the situation at the Expo.


Why should we host the 2030 Expo?

The 2030 Expo is a registered expo held every five years, so it is much larger in scale and symbolism than the 1993 Daejeon and 2012 Yeosu Expos.

If successful, it is expected that not only will the country’s status be raised, but it will also have an economic effect of 61 trillion won and create jobs for 500,000 people.

[한덕수 / 국무총리 : 부산 세계 박람회 유치는 부산만의 이벤트가 아닙니다. 국가적 어젠다로 전 국민이 하나가 되어 뛰어야 한다고 생각합니다.]

Has Busan belatedly entered the Expo competition?

The first to submit an application for hosting was Moscow, Russia, in April 2021.

Busan submitted an application to host the Expo two months later in June, and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Rome, Italy, and Odessa, Ukraine also entered the bid.

However, it has been reported that Saudi Arabia, stimulated by Dubai’s selection as the host site for the 2020 Expo, has been making diplomatic appeals to host the Expo for about a year prior to submitting the application.

In Korea, this is a case in which the President himself jumped into the publicity campaign when the Yoon Seok-yeol government came into power last year and set it as a national task.

[윤석열 / 대통령 (25일) : 부산엑스포는 국제사회의 패러다임을 경쟁에서 연대로 전환하는 가치 지향적인 엑스포가 될 것임을 강조했습니다.]

What is the current situation at Expo?

Currently, the three remaining candidate cities are Busan, Riyadh, and Rome.

Riyadh has been evaluated as the most advanced as Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Bin Salman went ‘all-in’ in the bid to attract the country through aggressive promotions using ‘oil money’.

Last June, Italian media reported that Riyadh secured about 70 votes, Rome secured about 50 votes, and Busan secured about 30 votes.

However, as President Yoon met with the leaders of 89 countries, nearly half of the 181 member countries, this year alone, and government envoys focused on Africa and Central and South America, which have many member countries, the government believes that Busan and Riyadh are currently in the middle of nowhere.

The host city for the 2030 Expo will be decided at the general meeting of the International Exhibition Organization to be held in Paris, France on November 28.

If there are no more than 2/3 votes in the first round, the city with the fewest votes is removed and a second round of voting is held to elect a candidate with a majority.

This is Hyunjun Shin of YTN.

Photographer: Kwak Young-ju
Video editing; Lim Jong-moon
Graphics; Park Yoo-dong

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2023-09-27 21:30:00
#President #Yong #takes #lead.. #situation #Busan #Expo

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