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2026 World Qualifiers: Gabon dominates Burundi (2-1) – AGP

Dar-es salaam, November 19, 2023 (AGP) – The Gabon national team beat Burundi this Sunday in their second exit from the 2026 World Cup qualifiers. A second success, after that acquired last Thursday against Kenya (2 -1) which allows Gabon to temporarily occupy the head of group F.

Jim Allevinah, until then very discreet since the start of the qualifying campaign for the world championship, opened the scoring in the 35th minute (1-0), in the first period. He was imitated during the second act by Denis Bouanga (2-0, 82nd).

A score which also made us forget that the Gabon national team played this match without several of its executives. And that there was nevertheless reason to hope for a better outcome, due to a succession which is gradually making its mark. Like the young goalkeeper, Anse Jorgen Ngoubi, author of two decisive saves.

The turning point in a match which was largely dominated overall by Gabon, despite the goal scored by Abedi Bigirimana (2-1, 87th).

Gabon temporarily occupies the head of Group F with six points, pending the results of the posters this Monday, between Gambia and Ivory Coast (5 p.m.) and Seychelles-Kenya (8 p.m.).

FE/ Special Envoy to Tanzania

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