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2024 Car Incentives: How to Book and Maximize Discounts

Turnkey thanks to the 2024 incentives

The 2024 car incentives have not yet been fully established, from now on you have to book them but the dealerships are already clogged.

The electrical transition that is affecting the world of motoring is both certain and uncertain at the same time. Certain because the European Union has already established that starting from 2035 will ban the new registration of thermal vehicles; uncertain because there are many question marks in this regard that require further clarification.

To facilitate both the population and the environment, the Italian government has established some car incentives which also apply to those powered by lithium ion batteries. The incentives valid for 2023 included certain sums intended for buyers of electric, plug-in hybrid or thermal cars, for a total of 570 million euros allocated.

The government had promised to be working on a even greater incentive program for 2024, with concessions up to twice as large and a much larger overall fund. However, this promise has not yet been kept. While waiting for the new incentive plan to be approved and put into practice, a new possibility has opened up.

From 23 January 2024 it is possible to request incentives for the purchase of a car, and the figures available will refer to the incentive plan for the year 2023. The sum currently expected will therefore be 570 million, and those who request will obtain several thousand euros discount. Let’s find out the details.

Maximum yield for electric cars

The BEV, Battery Electric Vehicles, are the cars that get the maximum incentive precisely because of their low-polluting nature. They belong to the emissions range of 0-20 g/km of CO2 and can be requested with or without the attached scrapping of a polluting vehicle (Euro 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4).

If you request the incentive without any scrapping attached you can get up to 3 thousand euros of incentive; if you add the scrapping of a polluting vehicle the figure rises to 5 thousand euros. The incentive applies to cars that do not cost more than 42.700 euroand it is the incentive that is selling like hot cakes of all.

Ask at the dealership immediately

Incentives for hybrids and thermals

The figures drop for plug-in hybrid cars. The reference range is 21-60 g/km of CO2 issued, and here too a difference appears depending on the presence or absence of scrapping. They are obtained without scrapping 2 thousand euroswith scrapping they are obtained 4 mila; the ceiling for the maximum cost of the car is 54.900 euro.

Finally, thermal cars – 61-135 g/km of CO2 – are also included in the plan. The incentive can only be obtained by attaching the scrapping of a polluting vehicle and the amount corresponds to 2 thousand euros. Here too the ceiling for the overall cost of the vehicle is 42.700 euro. If you want to request the incentive you have to run to the dealership, but in the coming weeks the real plan for 2024 could be announced with much more convenient sums.

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2024-01-27 20:31:53
#Car #bonus #book #queues #dealerships #immediately #hurry #Motori #Orologi #LifeStyle

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