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2024 Astronomical Phenomena Calendar: Eclipses, Supermoons, and Meteor Showers

Several eclipses will occur in 2024. IMAGE: BRIN

Darilaut – Every month there are always astronomical phenomena that occur and are interesting to observe.

Researcher from the Space Research Center, BRIN Aeronautics and Space Research Organization, Farahhati Mumtangana explained in detail the astronomical phenomena that will occur during 2024.

Farah said, on January 3 2024, for example, a phenomenon occurred where the Earth reached perihelionnamely the closest point of the Earth to the Sun.

Furthermore, said Farah, the New Moon occurs on January 11 and January 12 phenomenon Mercury at maximum western elongation where the planet’s elongation is the angle between the Sun and the Planet with Earth as the reference point.

“This is the best time to see the planet Mercury,” said Farahhati, at the BRIEF event (BRIN Insight Every Friday) 103rd edition, Friday (5/1).

According to Farah, there are several dates for the Maximum Western Elongation of Mercury, including May 9, September 5 and December 25. Meanwhile, Mercury’s maximum eastern elongation occurs on March 24, July 22 and November 16.

In February there is only a New Moon phenomenon on February 9 and a Full Moon on February 12.

In March there is a New Moon on March 10 and a Full Moon on March 25. On March 20, there is the March Equinox phenomenon where the Sun will shine directly on the equator and the amount of day and night will be almost the same throughout the world. Then the planet Mercury reaches its greatest eastern elongation on March 24.

To observe phenomena, it is also necessary to pay attention to the presentation of lunar illumination in relation to lunar phases.

The new moon is better for observing, “compared to the full moon because the light is too bright, it overpowers other celestial objects,” said BRIN’s First Expert Researcher.

Moon phase calendars can be obtained from various sources and applications moon phase, software stellarium.

In 2024 this phenomenon will occur 3 times supermoon namely September 18, November 15 and October 17.

There will also be a phenomenon bluemoonnamely the 4th full moon (this phenomenon is extra because usually in one season there are only 3 full moons) which occurred on August 19.

“There is also an eclipse phenomenon in 2024, but unfortunately it will not cross Indonesian territory. “However, it can be taken into consideration if you want to plan a tour or expedition to chase the eclipse,” said Farah.

Apart from that, Farah explained that another interesting event that occurs annually is the meteor shower. Meteor showers occur when meteoroid sky objects burn up when they enter the Earth’s atmosphere. These objects could come from the remains of comets or asteroids that also orbit the Sun.

“To hunt for meteors, you need to pay attention to the moon’s illumination, the peak of the event, and constellations near the radiant,” he said.

Observing meteor showers can be done by looking for a dark place with a wide view (no tall buildings), be it a mountain or a beach. If you can stand under the radiant in any hemisphere then there will be more meteor showers.

You can also use a ready-made tent while camping or prepare a seat/sofa because the wait can be very long. And when it comes out once it can be a lot, but the break is also long. While chatting with friends and bringing supplies will also be fun.

Farah reminded that there is no phenomenon that directly impacts human life. Even if it were possible, because it is in a space environment, the impact would not be too pronounced. Although it only exists for certain phenomena such as space weather.

“Let’s immortalize one or more of these phenomena and make it a memory of a beautiful experience, which might be once in a lifetime,” said Farah.

2024-01-09 21:23:44
#astronomical #phenomena #explanation #BRIN #researchers #sea

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