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2023 Harvest Feria: Rain Can’t Stop the Party! Check Out the Images from the Opening Night

Despite the bad weather which seems to want to invite itself to the party, the 2023 Harvest Feria and its procession of activities and bodegas, is declared open! Discover the images from this first evening.

The Knights of Bellegarde club in fanfare • Yannick Pons

After Jean-Claude Gayssot’s Brindis who opened the fair on Thursday, honoring “Red Nîmes”, it was Jean-Paul Fournier, the mayor of Nîmes, who continued by giving a firm blow of the pruning shears yesterday morning, during the harvest at the Clos de la Fontaine vines.

The tent, advanced medical post (PMA) where the Red Cross welcomes you with a smile in front of the arenas. • Yannick Pons

The 2023 Harvest Fair was launched. But the clouds were gathering above the Gard capital during the day. A few small drops and large threatening clouds were to disrupt this first day of celebration. And the rain came to the party around half past midnight.

The trappers stopped some bulls from the Gardon herd during the shelter on the Jean-Jaurès • Yannick Pons

A mixed vintage therefore for an evening during which the children, heroes of the party, rather remained sheltered. No problem finding a place against the gates of the Abrivado de la Manade du Gardon course, avenue Jean-Jaurès, which is not usual. But still family friendly (our photo). Festival-goers from Montpellier or Lyon appreciated the quiet side of this feria.

Family shelter on avenue Jean-Jaurès • Yannick Pons

The catchers took the opportunity to stop the bulls in their tracks several times to the cheers of a sparse audience and under the benevolent eye of the Magne tower, built by these winegrowers from Volques. Around 8 p.m., Boulevard Victor-Hugo was deserted and the tables of the pop-up paella restaurants were sadly empty.

Boulevard Victor-Hugo, deserted around 8 p.m. this Friday evening • Yannick Pons

Small aperitif between political leaders at the bodega of the Chamber of Agriculture located on the esplanade. At the same time, it was the end of the bullfight and the exit from the arena. Aficionados have come to swell the ranks of the festival-goers. The evening could finally begin.

At the Antonins it’s always a big fiesta • Yannick Pons

At Antonins, facing the arenas, on the front line, but also at Prolé, at Costières, at Lisita, at the Grande and Petite Bourse. Chez Amour, rue Fresque, where even after midnight you could sneak in without any problem! Rue Saint-Antoine finally found a feria scene after 10 p.m. At the Les Enfants Denim bar, Corentin Carpentier was on the decks.

The Nîmes of the Ted Membré gang, pillars of the e-Dclix counter, bar on rue Saint-Antoine • Yannick Pons

At Costières, the evening finally started with brass instruments, as an introduction to a Saturday evening which promises to be completely crazy. A little light rain came to cool off all these lovely people around 11 p.m., nothing serious. Then a little more serious at half past midnight.

The Costières bodega started the evening quietly, with brass music. • Yannick Pons

While some began the tour of the bodegas, the prefect of Gard Jérôme Bonet began a review of all the services and personnel mobilized to ensure the security of the festivities.

The staff of the national police (DDSP30, judicial police), the space of the Saint-Paul church with the advanced aid stations (SDIS/Red Cross), and Youth prevention.

Prefect Jérôme Bonet in review at the Red Cross • Yannick Pons

Until the end of the night with the visit of the Gard departmental gendarmerie group where he was welcomed by General Éric Chuberre. The best ingredients came together for a lovely party, but bad weather got in the way…

Prefect Bonet reviews the workforce • Yannick Pons

Prefect Bonet speaks with the actors who ensure the smooth running of the party • Yannick Pons

Camille and Thimothée, Montpellier residents at the feria • Yannick Pons

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