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2023 CPNS Registration Opens Tonight: Schedule and Details

CNN Indonesia

Wednesday, 20 Sep 2023 17:43 IWST

The State Civil Service Agency (BKN) will begin opening registration for 2023 Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) starting Wednesday (20/9) at 11.09 tonight. (ANTARA PHOTOS/Maulana Surya).

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

State Civil Service Agency (BKN) will begin to open registration for Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) 2023 starting Wednesday (20/9) at 23.09 tonight.

Deputy for Personnel Information Systems at BKN Suherman said that before registration opens, the process will be preceded by creating an account.

“Account creation starts at 20.09,” he said in an official statement on the website BKN this Wednesday.

He said that ahead of the registration, the verification and validation process for CPNS selection formations for central and regional government agencies that opened admissions had reached 86.65 percent.

From the completed verification and validation process, it is known that the formation of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) for health workers reached 87.89 percent, teachers 93.15 percent, technical PPPK 87.01 percent, and CPNS verification and validation was 78. 57 percent.

The following is the complete schedule for the 2023/2024 CPNS selection:

Selection announcement: 16-30 September 2023

Selection registration: 17 September-6 October 2023

Administrative selection: 17 September-9 October 2023

Announcement of administrative selection results: 10-13 October 2023

Cancellation period: 14-16 October 2023

Reply to objection: 14-18 October 2023

Post-rebuttal announcement: 17-23 October 2023

Final data withdrawal: 24-26 October 2023

Basic competency selection scheduling (SKD): 27-30 October 2023

Announcement of SKD participant list, time and place: 31 October- 3 November 2023

SKD Implementation: 4 – 13 November 2023

SKD value processing: 4 November – 13 December 2023

Announcement of SKD graduation results: November 15 – November 17

Refutation Period: 18 November – 20 November 2023

Reply to Rebuttal: 18 November – 22 November 2023

Processing SKD CPNS Result Results
Rebuttal: November 21 – November 25, 2023

Post-Rebuttal Announcement: November 22 – November 27, 2023

Implementation of Non-CAT CPNS SKB: 28 November – 17 December

Selection of CPNS SKB Location Points with CAT by Selection Participants
: December 1 – December 3, 2023

Final data withdrawal: 4 December – 5 December 2023

CPNS SKB Scheduling with CAT: December 6 – December 7 2023

Announcement of List of Participants, Time and Place of SKB CPNS with CAT: 8 December – 10 December 2023

Implementation of CPNS SKB with CAT: 11 December – 17 December 2023

Integration of SKD and SKB Values: 18 December 30 December 2023

Graduation Announcement: December 31, 2023 – January 7, 2024

Cancellation Period: January 8 – January 10, 2024

Reply to Rebuttal: January 8 – January 14 2024

Processing of Selection Scores for Refutation Results: January 10 – January 15 2024

Post-Rebuttal Graduation Announcement: January 11 January 17 2024

Filling in DRH NIP CPNS: January 18 – February 16 2024

Proposed Determination of CPNS NIP: February 17 – March 17 2024


2023-09-20 10:43:00

#CPNS #Registration #Opens #Tonight

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