As part of the 2023 Academic Season, performances will be held at the Theater Salvador Novo, from Wednesday to Sunday at 6:00 p.m.
The interpretation of the work A midsummer night’s dream performed by students from the National School of Theater Art (ENAT) of the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature (Inbal), began on September 9 and will continue until October 15 at the Theater Salvador Novo from the National Center of the Arts (Cenart).
The work, as part of the 2023 academic season of the ENAT, belonging to the General Subdirectorate of Artistic Education and Research (Sgeia), is a text adapted by the director and professor Jesús (Chucho) Díaz, with translation by Quetzalli Morett and Sandra Martins, from group 4-3 of the Bachelor’s Degree in Acting; The montage offers a different vision of the original piece, where freedom, imagination and love have a leading character.
For Sarah Cornejo, a Bachelor of Acting student and part of the cast: “In this process we have had the opportunity to enhance our skills, self-confidence and tools acquired throughout our career. For example: doing comedy requires a lot of skill and ability to maintain the technique, dissociate the actions and at the same time achieve in each pass a touch that is both spontaneous and eccentric.”
In this staging “darkness will not be invited, since the entire theater will be filled with lights and a lot of brightness,” commented Valeria Zagala, set designer.
“Producing a work full of lights, sequins and a lot of humor has been a fun experience and that is what we want to convey to the public, an entertaining, colorful moment, but most importantly that the people who come disconnect from their routine,” added Emmanuel Cortés, producer of the work.
According to the calendar of the National School of Theater Art, the performances will take place from Wednesday to Sunday at 6:00 p.m. – except on September 14, 15 and 16 and October 12. Free admission. Limited availability. Information about the programming can be consulted on Facebook /enatoficial and on the website:
2023-09-14 21:07:23
#Students #National #School #Theater #Art #present #Midsummer #Nights #Dream