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2023-2024 cotton campaign: “We will maximize yield to meet fertilizer prices”

The 2023-2024 cotton campaign has been underway since the beginning of June 2023. The prices for fertilizers and the purchase of seed cotton are also known. Despite the high cost of fertilizers, cotton farmers remain resilient and are in the oven and in the mill to maximize yields. This is what we saw this Wednesday, July 5, 2023 in Dankari, in the cotton region of Houndé.

High fertilizer prices have not dulled the commitment or determination of cotton farmers like Kakuy Wanko. Cotton producer in Dankari, a locality located in the cotton region of Houndé, precisely the “Houndé Ouest” zone in the province of Tuy. It is in the cotton field, covering an area of ​​45 hectares, of this model producer that a delegation from the Textile Fibers Company (SOFITEX) led by Sié Ousmane, Director of the cotton region of Houndé, returned on July 5, 2023.

On site, cotton plants as far as the eye can see, workers on the job. While others, mainly women, spread the NPK fertilizer, three pairs of harnessed oxen weeded to close the spread fertilizer. “The start of this campaign was not easy. We started sowing on the 1is June and taking into account the irregularity of the rains, we finished on June 17th. We have learned about fertilizer prices and it is really not easy. But this should not discourage us, because we will apply ourselves to have good yields, at least 1.5 tonnes per hectare”, we have entrusted Kakuy Wanko.

Still according to him, “if a producer is serious about working well and making a good return, he can do well”.It should be noted that in the latter’s field, at the current stage, the treatment has already started on one part, on the other it is the application of NPK fertilizer. Part (the last sowing) is awaiting thinning for the next application of NPK fertilizer.

“Producers are committed and motivated”

Ousmane Sié, Director of the cotton region of Houndé remains hopeful in terms of achieving the objectives set since the start of the 2023-2024 campaign. “Despite the difficulties, our producers are in the process of carrying out their campaign plan. For the Regional Directorate of Houndé, we have planned more than 140,000 hectares at the start of the campaign and we hope to have its results because we have in front of us determined, dynamic and committed producers. Without the rainfall difficulties, we would have finished with sowing now. The most important thing is the commitment of producers despite the announcement of fertilizer prices”suggested Ousmane Sié.

The prices of inputs and the purchase of seed cotton

For this 2023-2024 cotton campaign, the prices are fixed as follows: 26,168 FCFA at the cash price and 28,000 FCFA on credit for the compound fertilizer NPKSB (50 kg bag); 29,907 FCFA in cash and 32,000 FCFA on credit for Urea nitrogen fertilizer (46% N). As for the treatment per hectare, the price of the insecticide is 5,607 FCFA in cash and 6,000 FCFA on credit.

Compared to the floor purchase price of seed cotton, the first choice is 325 FCFA/kg and 300 FCFA/kg for the 2nd choice. As for organic cotton, the kilogram is at 375 FCFA.

Aymeric THIS

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