2023-11-12 Motagua botched when it was not allowed. Argentine César Vigevani’s team failed in Tocoa and lost 3-2 to Real Sociedad in a match where they were able to secure a place in the semifinals. The blue team was left with 29 points after 17 days played, the same sum that the Marathon has after having fallen horribly in the national classic 5-1. If at the end of the 18 days the monster or the blue cyclone finish in second place, they will qualify together with Old León directly to the semifinals. In fourth position was Génesis, which equaled against Olancho FC and with that ensured a presence in the championship playoffs. One that has made an important leap is Real Sociedad with its 21 units after beating Motagua in Tocoeño territory. The oilers rose to fifth place in the Honduran tournament. Olancho FC added a point after tying against UPNFM and reached 20, which keeps it in playoff positions; It is sixth place. Vida is 19 and is seventh place. Real España (20) with its victory over Vida jumped to seventh place and will fight against the Olanchanos to qualify for the Honduran championship league; The UPN wolves (15) and Victoria (14), already eliminated, lie in last place. NATIONAL LEAGUE POSITION TABLE:
2023-11-13 09:11:22
#Table #positions #National #League #Honduras #Real #España #Real #Sociedad #shake #classification #Motagua