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2022 Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Schedule

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

The year 2021 is passed by a series of lunar phenomena such as the Super Blood Moon and Moon eclipse. These phenomena are also recorded to appear in 2022.

In the field of Astronomy, a number of celestial phenomena have been estimated by researchers through a number of calculations.

These calculations can estimate the phenomena that occur along with the location and time of occurrence.

In 2022 it is expected that there will be several phenomena involving the Moon, such as Super Full Moon, Micro New Moon, and Total Lunar Eclipse.

Reported from the official Instagram account Planetarium JakartaThe following is a complete list of lunar phenomena that will occur in 2022 and the time of their occurrence:

Super Full Moon

The Super Full Moon phenomenon occurs when the Moon is in its full phase, as well as being at the Perigee point or the closest point of the Earth to the Moon.

This phenomenon then makes the Moon appear larger when viewed from Earth.

Super Full Moon in 2022 will occur on July 14, 2022, from the Moon rises at 17.30 WIB until the Moon sets the next day at 06.25 WIB.

The peak time of this phenomenon will occur on July 14 at 01:37 WIB.

However, the public is advised to be careful when observing because the moonlight can be very blinding.

Micro New Moon

Unlike the Super Full Moon which occurs at full moon, the Micro New Moon phenomenon occurs during the new Moon phase.

In addition to being in the phase of the new Moon, the Moon is also at the Apogee point or the furthest point of the Moon to Earth.

The Micro New Moon will occur in the middle of the year, to be precise on June 29, 2022.

This event can be observed after sunset. But the observation is said to be quite difficult because the sunset time of the Sun and Moon is only about 12 minutes apart.

Total lunar eclipse

The phenomenon of a total lunar eclipse will occur at the end of 2022, to be exact on November 28. This phenomenon last occurred in the territory of Indonesia last May, which can be witnessed by almost all regions.

The total lunar eclipse phenomenon in 2022 can also be observed from all parts of Indonesia, but the best location to observe this phenomenon is eastern Indonesia.

This is because eastern Indonesia will experience a longer eclipse duration.

This phenomenon will enter the initial total phase at 17.16 WIB and reach the peak of the total phase at 17.59 WIB.

Total Lunar Eclipse can be seen without tools because it does not have a dangerous intensity of light like a solar eclipse. The moon only gets light from reflected sunlight, not as a light source.

Besides Indonesia, the Total Lunar Eclipse phenomenon in November 2022 can also be observed in a number of countries such as India, Myanmar, China, the United States, Mexico, the Philippines, Australia, North Korea, Thailand, Australia, Cuba, and Guatemala.

(lnn / fjr)

[Gambas:Video CNN]


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