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2022 bills, tips for paying less on electricity and gas

What are the paths to take in order to be able to pay as little as possible in relation to the 2022 electricity and gas bills. How can we move.

Gas flame lit (Pexels)

2022 bills, the situation will be dramatic all year long. The increases observed since January have seen electricity and gas users subject to a surge never seen before. The Government intervened with a specific measure, which led to the allocation of at least 7 billion euros.

Money that will especially help low-income families withstand the terrifying impact that 2022 bills will leave on their finances. The increases in this regard concern about 85% on average compared to last year’s prices.

The consequences are important and extremely negative for businesses as well. Especially for small and medium-sized ones, who see a large part of their income having to go away with their 2022 bills. from the measures devised by the state.

Among the most important is the possibility of extending the social bonus. Which involved six hundred euros in total, divided into 200 euros for electricity and 400 for gas. All in relation to the first three months of this year.

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2022 bills, tips for paying less on electricity and gas

Light bulbs on a plane
Light bulbs on a plane (Freepik)

Then there is also the extension of the VAT reduction on gas bills by 5% until 30 June 2022. This is no small feat given that precisely this user is the one that appears to be the most salty of all. With the percentage of VAT that grows in proportion to the amount. In addition, the presence of system charges is also eliminated. In this case, it is a temporary measure.

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As soon as the situation is established or at least reaches a normal situation, the system burdens should be reintroduced. However, users can also evaluate the possibility to move to the free marketin this way to have the freedom to compare the best offers and to be able to choose the most convenient.

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In this case it is preferable to make your choice fall back on blocked prices for at least one year. Doing so will provide an important shield against possible nasty surprises in relation to the amounts to be paid. And you will have enough time to be able to choose possibly another supplier.

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