Rome, 4 October 2021 – Il center-left conquest Milano, Naples e Bologna in the first round with Sala, Manfredi and Lepore. TO Roma, Torino e Trieste we go to the ballot. At the center-right the Region Calabria with Occhiuto. These are the main results of the municipal elections 2021. By analyzing the list votes (party) the Pd is the first party in many cities and, underlines Francesco Boccia speaking from the national headquarters of the Democratic Party in Rome, “probably also in Calabria” where, however, the center-right candidate clearly wins. In Rome Brothers of Italy it is in front of everyone (second only to the Calenda List) with three times the votes of the League which in Milan stops at 11%. “FdI asserts itself as the first party within the center right“, says Meloni. Collapse of the M5s list in the cities governed by the mayors Raggi and Appendino but also in the rest of Italy: less than 9% in Turin, just over 10% in Rome.
Elections, the reactions of the big names: Salvini, Letta, Conte
Municipal elections 2021: when are the ballots. Dates and times
The list votes city by city
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