With a hybrid kick-off event at the Friedrich-Schiller-School in Weinstadt-Großheppach, the beginning of the new state program “Culture School Baden-Württemberg” was officially marked this week. 25 schools throughout Baden-Württemberg are already taking part – and more are set to grow. The state program “Kulturschule Baden-Württemberg 2020-2023” is a cooperation between the Ministry for Culture, Youth and Sport Baden-Württemberg with the Mercator Foundation and the Karl Schlecht Foundation. It sets up cultural education in the state even more broadly, because if ten pilot schools were still involved in the model project “Kulturschule 2020 Baden-Württemberg”, up to 50 schools can now take part in the program in two funding lines.
“It is worthwhile to make greater efforts for cultural education in Baden-Württemberg, because it makes a significant contribution to finding a cultural identity and thus to integration into our diverse society,” says Minister of Education Theresa Schopper and adds: “It is important that the take the whole school and its surroundings with you. ”This is exactly where the program comes in, because it is intended to strengthen cultural education in the entire range of school classes. A second focus of the program is the networking of cultural schools in order to bundle experiences with cultural-aesthetic lessons and to develop them together.
Two funding lines for more address
In order to be able to address as many schools as possible, two funding lines were developed. The “Learning with the Arts” funding line enables the range of cultural projects to be expanded. With up to 1,000 euros per school year, schools are supported, in particular, in building a cultural profile and expanding their cooperation with extracurricular educational partners. In the “Cultural School Development” funding line, culturally experienced and particularly interested schools can sharpen their profile by anchoring the “cultural school” concept as a guiding principle in all subjects. For this purpose, each cultural school has a “culture budget” of up to 4,000 euros per school year at its disposal during the course of the program. With long-term extracurricular cooperation and the exchange of experience in a network of cultural schools, which is to be gradually expanded, this approach aims to stabilize cultural education in the state.
“Especially after the long period of homeschooling, it is important that children and young people can finally be creative again and experience community in a creative way. In addition to music and art classes, we want to establish interdisciplinary teaching and learning methods that enable creativity and sensual experience, ”says Helmut Seidenbusch, Head of Cultural Education at Stiftung Mercator. Minister of Education Schopper also emphasizes this: “We need cultural education – especially now, because how important cultural education is for the holistic education of young people, that became particularly clear in the past months of the renunciation.” So the prelude sets an example for the importance cultural education in the country.
Key and future skills
“Cultural schools bring students into contact with art and culture, digital as well as analog, and enable creative and aesthetic experiences. In times like these, these are more important than ever in order to develop young people’s personality, ”says Dr. Katrin Schlecht, board member of the Karl Schlecht Foundation. “I consider human creativity to be the indispensable key and future competence that schoolchildren need for the 21st century – especially in the age of digitization.” The kick-off event picks up on this by presenting analog and digital ideas, such as culture in schools can come alive.
additional Information
Pictures of the kick-off event will soon be posted on the “Kulturschule” website of the Ministry of Culture at https://km-bw.de/Kulturschule.
Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport
Unit 22 – Sport, Sport Promotion, Cultural Affairs
Thouretstraße 6, 70173 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0)711 279-0
Email: [email protected]