We Are Ready for Reconciliation but Stop Criminalizing Ulama First

We Are Ready for Reconciliation but Stop Criminalizing Ulama First

Jakarta – Habib Rizieq Syihab willing to reconciliation. But he asked the government to stop criminalizing ulama before reconciliation. “There are screams of reconciliation, how could reconciliation be held if the door to dialogue is not opened. Open the door to dialogue first, then reconciliation. There is no reconciliation without dialogue, dialogue is important,” Rizieq … Read more

Gabon. Two women arrested for faking same-sex marriage

Gabon.  Two women arrested for faking same-sex marriage

Two Gabonese were arrested Monday, November 9 in Makokou, in eastern Gabon, for “contempt of good morals” after having simulated a same-sex marriage and kissing in public, explained the mayor of the city and a source familiar with the matter. On June 23, the Gabonese Parliament passed a law decriminalizing homosexuality. “But the law does … Read more

Coronavirus, USA: 200 thousand cases. Squeeze in New York: bars and restaurants close at 10pm. UK first in Europe for number of victims: 50 thousand

Coronavirus, USA: 200 thousand cases.  Squeeze in New York: bars and restaurants close at 10pm. UK first in Europe for number of victims: 50 thousand

The UK over 50 thousand victims since the beginning of the pandemic and becomes the first country in Europe for the number of deaths from Covid-19 and the fifth in the world after United States, Brazil, India and Mexico. According to theWHO instead Italy is among the five countries in the world with the highest … Read more