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2020 Summary: Economic challenges and hydrometeorological phenomena stand out in the second semester

Beyond COVID-19, the arrival of tropical storms and hurricanes in Quintana Roo, represented a significant challenge for the state, due to all the consequences that arose from these events during the second half of 2020.

The second semester of 2020 began with the enormous challenge of reactivating the economy in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and with the presence of hydrometeorological phenomena, so all instances, from government to private, focused on it .


In order for the Regidor 16 movement to have a greater reach and for citizens to know the work they are doing in the Cabildo de Benito Juárez, they presented the portal that contains all the information.

There was a problem with garbage collection, little by little it began to accumulate in different regions, so the municipal president of Benito Juárez, Mara Lezama Espinosa, assured that specific actions were taken to resolve the situation, highlighting that the responsibility is of the dealership in turn.

In order to know details of the COVID-19 pandemic and its behavior in Quintana Roo, the geoportal.qroo.gob.mx was created, where you can find out from active cases, who is at home, who is in hospital, areas with active cases by colony, indices, among other data.

Benito Juárez stood out for being the first destination in the country with a pet friendly shelter, in preparation for the protection of pets in the event of a hurricane.

Faced with the difficult times that it faces in all segments of the economy, due to COVID-19, the Benito Juárez city council made the decision to implement a special day of discounts so that the population can continue their procedures and regularization , same that extended throughout the year.

According to a national report, Quintana Roo was placed in third place with the greatest transparency in matters of acquisitions and public information on the expenditure made to attend the pandemic.

Uber requested that the aggressions by taxi drivers towards driver partners be sanctioned, which have been restarted again and put the integrity of people at risk and are also damaging the perception of national and international tourism in the city.


With an epidemiological traffic light already in Amarillo, a total of 25 sports units in Cancun reopened their doors after having met all the health requirements established by COJUDEQ.

During the first week of the month, Las Perlas beach, Chac Mool and Delfines opened again to the public, in groups of maximum 5 people and with a 60 percent capacity in the space to comply with the healthy distance.

To comply with health measures and prevent COVID-19 infections, the mayor of Benito Juárez Mara Lezama Espinosa, transmitted her second government report on social networks, with the most transcendent actions of the 2018-2021 administration, where she highlighted, Among other things, the joint health strategies that have been implemented in the face of the pandemic, which was reflected in the reduction of social mobility by 85 percent and being a national example of confinement at home; as well as support for the most vulnerable groups.

With the aim that all citizens do their bit to make this a better city, several citizens were organized to begin cleaning the parks through the 7/11 Movement.


Throughout the city, special brigades of municipal public services were installed to remove all the trees that fell after the passage of Hurricane Delta and that were blocking roads.

Although hurricane “Delta” did not arrive with a lot of water, which was very positive for the destination, the strong winds did wreak havoc in many parts of the town hall, starting with the public beaches, so that all the personnel of the Federal Maritime Zone Terrestre (ZOFEMAT), including the administrative staff, focused on cleaning them, confirmed the director of said instance, Vagner Elbiorn.
Within the framework of World Breast Cancer Prevention Day and as part of the pink month, it was announced that breastfeeding can act as a protective and preventive factor against this disease, because when breastfeeding there are lower levels of estrogen .

As a new alternative in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Empléate Web platform was launched, adding to the progress already made with e-Cun in terms of virtual procedures.


In order to avoid agglomerations that could generate an increase in the number of COVID-19 infections, the municipal pantheons were closed on October 31, November 1 and 2, for the celebration of the Day of the Dead.

To counteract the damage caused by the latest hydrometeorological phenomena, mainly Hurricane “Delta”, various civil society organizations joined forces to begin a well-organized reforestation with the support of experts.

15 people received the award “Cancun has a star, put a star on your tourist service”, for which more than 300 nominations were received from 150 companies, including restaurants, hotels, travel agencies, marinas, airports, car rental companies , entertainment centers and vacation clubs.

After several months of joint work between different agencies, there are already the “Purple Points” in the different municipal government offices, in addition to two purple patrols in support of women who may be at risk of violence.


From the Municipal Institute of Youth (IMJUVE) in the Benito Juárez city council, it was announced that 2020 will close with important programs for the people of Cancun, highlighting that of urban gardens.

Representatives of all economic sectors in Quintana Roo signed the pact for Responsible Economic Reactivation, together with the state government and municipal governments, to face the reactivation in the midst of COVID-19 and not have setbacks in the color of the traffic light that continues in yellow color.

They announced as a historical fact for Cancun, the participation of citizens in the decision of where to invest the resources of the Participatory Budget, which was to benefit road safety in elementary schools.

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