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2020: number of cars burned is still unknown

The Republic of Bisounoursland is a country of milk, honey and traditions: even though the pancake of Ni-Kings Ni-Queens In the Republic is barely digested, it is more than time to resume the normal course of everyone’s activities and everyone by forgetting as quickly as possible the end-of-year celebrations whose traditions were, this year again, perfectly respected. Especially the one that consists of always burning more cars.

Yes, the passage from 2019 to 2020 will not have departed from the detestable habits of a country that is decaying less and less slowly. Apparently, it is now traditional, after a glass or two of light champagne, to go and burn a few vehicles to relax on New Years Eve. And in an equally traditional way now, it seems that the authorities have nothing more to polish: just as the attacks of unbalanced knives have now entered into what is defined as “norm”, the firing of Passenger cars on December 31 only cause a vague shrug of the shoulder on the part of the government, politicians and authorities in general who have, it must be said, other festivities to lead.

In this context, we can only regret the overly overflowing joy of the Strasbourg people whose festive enthusiasm has nonetheless been talked about: the mortar fire, the violence and the number of burnt out cars were too great to benefit from the same camouflage in order operated everywhere else.

And when I write “everywhere else”, it is really everywhere. When we look, even quickly, at the local press, we realize that all the big cities and medium-sized cities of France have participated in this new festive tradition: Vénissieux, Limoges, Laon, Besançon, Vannes, Nantes, Annemasse, Mulhouse, Toulouse, Reims, Amiens, St Etienne, La Roche Sur Yon, Angers, to name only the first entries in local news, so many large and medium-sized cities which thus display unfailing support for this interesting emerging folklore.

Faced with this avalanche of news, we should be surprised at the almost total absence of any global breakdown of cars burned in major French cities, or even a grand total allowing us to appreciate the extent of this new annual rite . If we stick to the big national media that never stop, the vibrant eye and the excited eyebrow, to denounce the least fake news, the phenomenon of burnt cars does not exist, so to speak: epiphenomenon extremely localized, small local-regional slippages unimportant and without real sociological, economic or political significance, the major daily newspapers got along perfectly not to deal with information which, moreover, does not exist.

The residents who inadvertently saw cars burned the day after Christmas Eve are at best exhilarating spoilers a little too focused on anecdotal news, at worst the plotters of the smelly far right, and then c ‘is all.

Moreover, the Republic of Bisounoursland has understood how to solve the problem: we no longer communicate on it, at all, so as not to play the game of overbidding (we would not want a small competition to be established between departments, cities or regions, you see, the Republic is watching), nor the game of zextremes, necessarily on the lookout. One stone, two blows, it’s simple, easy, square, and this Republican #PasDeVague on cars reminds another of violence in the National Education system (which does not exist). It is absolutely not to hide the extent of the damage, the powerlessness of the police, the jmenfoutism of the authorities and the distress of the affected populations. Not at all.

In this context, we will therefore understand the rage that could seize the elected officials of Paris when the American president, Donald Trump, had the impudence to note that all these vehicles which cry, it has a bad effect and that diminishes the performances of France in terms of carbon dioxide emissions.

For the first assistant to the mayor of Paris, Emmanuel Grégoire, all this is grotesque. Realize, “only six cars burned in the capital on the evening of December 31”, (yes, only six and not 148, huh, friends) and then it was because of an accident (even d ‘a coincidence, maybe even), and then first get involved in your business and then in Paris the vivrensemble pulses differently more than at home first and then damn, na.

Rest assured.

We are the 6th and this new ritual is already forgotten in the media and in the heads of leaders. The news has fortunately put a modest veil on the troubles which shake France more and more violently, on the carelessness of the leaders, on the crass incompetence of the State to ensure its basic mission – the security of goods and people, on the vacuity of the concept of justice on this territory, on the total jmenfoutisme of the bulletin board classes which, largely provided with closed car parks, did not have to undergo the inconvenience of a burnt out car at the bottom of at home . Joy, happiness and relaxation: it is even forgotten on the part of the breed that caused this damage.

So it’s forgotten for everyone.

Or almost: for the residents, for the victims of these abuses, the festive activities (with banks, insurance companies, obtuse and painful administrations) will continue for long weeks. For a part of these French people, we will have to fade a whole pleasing range of procedures and formalities, not to mention that in general, it is not the cars of the wealthy that go up in smoke, but those of the working classes whose travel ultimately depends on these now burnt vehicles.

For many, insurance does not cover this damage, it means new debts, incredible new galleys, all while a small caste of privileged people does absolutely everything to block the country. This means for some a loss of activity, for others to have to give up a job, a remuneration. January promises to be an idyllic month for them.

All these individuals whose part of life has just been ruined, nobody talks about it anymore, from January 2. The stupidities of Anne Hidalgo and her team of tragic clowns had more room in the newspapers than the problems of the anonymous now faced with a series of difficulties that no service of the Republic of Bournoursland will diminish (on the contrary even: the French administrations will take care to maximize the annoyance near these citizens, having in reality no other reason to exist).

Let’s be lucid: this Republic is dying. She openly cares for her citizens, despises the people and lets the worst villains and the lowest scum proliferate.

But especially #PasDeVague even if this country is fucked up.

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