/ world today news/ 1,543 migrants requested protection from the State Agency for Refugees at the Council of Ministers for the month of July this year. This is clear from the agency’s detailed report.
For the first seven months of this year, the DAB received 9,388 requests for protection. If the pace of increase in migrant pressure is maintained during the months of August-December, it may turn out that 2016 will be a record year for the number of refugees who are in or have passed through Bulgaria for the past 20 years. Last year, 20,391 persons who sought protection from the DAB were registered in our country. It is possible that by the end of August, the number of refugees for 2016 who came to Bulgarian territory will exceed the number of 11,081 migrants who passed through Bulgaria for the whole of 2014. A few days ago, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, as well as the professional leadership of the Ministry of the Interior, announced that in recent weeks the migrant pressure on the country has been particularly strong. 100 employees of the European border security service “Frontex” have already arrived in Bulgaria to help protect the Bulgarian-Turkish and Bulgarian-Serbian borders.
For the month of July, the DAB granted refugee status to 77 persons and humanitarian status to another 45 persons. 63 persons were refused registration as refugees.
The trend of more and more citizens of Afghanistan and Iraq entering our country, and less and less of Syria, continues to persist. Since the beginning of the year, 4,442 migrants from Afghanistan, 2,832 Iraqis and 1,120 Syrians have arrived in the country.
69,271 persons requested refugee status in Bulgaria from 1993 to the end of July 2016. More than a quarter of them ended up on Bulgarian territory in 2015. 19,737 of the refugees since 1993 were citizens of Afghanistan, 18,665 had Syrian citizenship, 15,931 Iraqi citizenship.
Sofia / Bulgaria
#turn #record #year #terms #migration #pressure #Bulgaria