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200km of fiber optic cables to connect services (…)

200 km of fiber optic cables will be deployed to connect ministries and public bodies in the capital announced yesterday the Minister of Digital Development, Digital Transformation, Posts and Telecommunications (MDNPT), Tahina Razafindramalo.

Its installation should notably improve internet speed and the quality of the connection in public establishments. It should thus play an important role in the government’s telecommunications network modernization project. The establishment of this network will be entrusted to the company Huawei, said the general director of operations and extension of information and communication technologies, Dera Andriatsarafara ” Given that the regulations in force do not allow the State to operate it, a call for tenders will be issued to local operators for its operation. “, he said.

The Huawei company will also collaborate with the MDNPT for the establishment of the first datacenter or data center of the State. This data center will host all the e-governance applications in the country and will make it more efficient and more efficient to access and process files in public services and, in turn, avoid corruption, according to the minister. The Chinese giant thus becomes an essential partner for the ministry. Last February, a collaboration between the MDNPT, the Urban Commune of Antananarivo allowed the installation of passive Telecommunication infrastructures of the “pylon” type; the installation of more than 1,500 surveillance cameras (IVS), more than 1,500 e-LTE smartphones for the municipal police, 2 state-of-the-art aerial drones and the installation of aerial optical fibers in the six districts of Antananarivo to connect all public buildings in the state.

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