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2,000 nuclear warheads on high alert: map – SIPRI – Ukrainian News, World


Approximately 2,000 nuclear warheads in the world were on high alert last year, almost all of them owned by Russia or the United States. This is written in the annual “weapons” summary of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

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Institute analysts believe that out of a total world stockpile of approximately 12,705 warheads as of early 2022, about 9,440 were in military storage for potential use.

Of these, approximately 3,732 warheads were deployed in a silo-launched and air-launched state, and about 2,000 were in a state of high alert.

The nine nuclear weapons states — the US, Russia, the UK, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea — continue to upgrade their arsenals, and while the total number of nuclear weapons has declined slightly from January 2021 to January 2022, this number is in the near future. decade is “likely to increase”.

The total stockpiles of warheads in the Russian Federation and the United States continued to decline in 2021, but this was due to the dismantling of warheads that were decommissioned several years ago. The number of warheads in the usable military arsenals of the two countries has remained relatively stable.

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“All nuclear-weapon states are increasing or modernizing their arsenals, and most of them sharpens nuclear rhetoric and the role that nuclear weapons play in their military strategies. This is a very worrying trend,” said Wilfred Wang, director of the SIPRI weapons of mass destruction program.

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The institute concluded that Russia and the United States together possess more than 90% of all nuclear weapons. China is in the process of significantly expanding its nuclear weapons arsenal, including the construction of more than 300 new missile silos.

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Eugene Pilipenko

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