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2000 in quarantine after outbreaks in Askim – VG

INFECTION OUTBREAK: 2000 has been quarantined after an outbreak at Korsgård school. Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB

Around 2000 have been quarantined after an outbreak of infection at a primary school.


23 people were registered infected in Askim on Saturday. On Sunday, eight new cases came.

In total, there are approximately 2,000 people who are, or have been, affected by the quarantine or waiting quarantine due to the outbreak of infection at Korsgård primary school.

Municipal chief physician Barbro Kvaal in Indre Østfold municipality confirms the outbreak to VG.

– First student tested positive April 15th. The class was then quarantined, and everyone tested on Friday. There are a total of 22 cases of infection associated with a 6th grade, 20 students and 2 employees, says Kvaal to VG.

Of the eight new cases of infection today, two of them are connected to the school.

– People have too many close contacts, says municipal chief physician Barbro Kvaal and adds:

– We have started a campaign where we say «Five a day – it’s fruit and vegetables. And five a week – there are close contacts. ” After we started it, the situation has improved with the number of close contacts.

Indre Østfold municipality has asked the State Administrator for permission to vaccinate graduate students in high schools to stop infection. The request was forwarded to the National Institute of Public Health.

– We now have so much infection among young people, that we want to use 550 of 1700 vaccine doses we get next week, to vaccinate the litter and other graduating students, said municipal director of health, Kenneth Andre Johannessen.

Both municipal director Johannessen and infection control chief Barbro Kvaal believe that it is the vaccine that is needed to stop youth infection.

Department director Line Vold at the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) told VG that they are continuously considering whether to make changes to the vaccine strategy.

– As of now, FHI has not recommended prioritizing vaccinating the age groups that are graduating students at VGS, the age groups from 18 to 45 are currently the last age groups that are prioritized for vaccination, Vold said regarding the case.

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