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200 participants wanted for health and weight loss study

On October 4th, 2021, a large private health and weight loss study “Lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks” will start in Buchholz in the Nordheide and in Hamburg.

Requirements for participation in the study:
-Persons (male, female, male) over 30 years.
-People who want to lose at least 10 kilos.
-People who have made countless unsuccessful attempts to lose weight with different diets.

Duration of the study:
10 weeks

Initiator of the study:
Health and weight loss coach Holger Korsten, Buchholz id Nordheide & Hamburg

Content of the study:
Lose weight healthily, easily, quickly and permanently without dieting, without giving up, without hunger, without cravings, without counting calories or points, without exercise and without the yo-yo effect with a new, unique method that is to be extensively tested and documented in this study .

Lose weight with pasta, pizza, burgers, ice cream, cakes, chocolate bars, chips and almost anything that is tasty. The special thing about this new method is that the participants hardly have to do without anything and can still lose weight.

Anyone interested in learning more about the study can visit the website www.10kiloin10wochen.de find out more and register for a non-binding briefing.

Information about Holger Korsten:
The married couple Gaby & Holger Korsten have been through the diet hell themselves for decades and have grown fatter, less athletic and sick over the years. The search for a way out ultimately led to a solution that resulted in the two of them losing over 90 kilograms of pure body fat in 8 months, reaching their normal weight and holding it for over a year.

From all of their failures and successes, a health and weight loss program emerged that both of them have been passing on to others since 2020. Thanks to the coaching, many clients have also been able to successfully lose weight and become significantly fitter and healthier again.

Obesity in Germany and the world is increasing at a rapid pace and is crucial for many secondary diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus.

In 2016, around 6.7 million people in Germany suffered from diabetes mellitus. The costs in Germany alone for the treatment (including care, incapacity for work and early retirement) of diabetes and its complications amounted to around 35 billion euros in 2016 (source German Diabetes Health Report 2017)

Thanks to the new and unique health and weight loss concept, the serious consequences of obesity can be alleviated or even prevented.

The effectiveness of the concept and the changes it made to the participants should be documented on October 4th, 2021 for a period of at least 10 weeks in a study accompanied by a doctor, for which 200 participants from all over Germany are currently being sought.

Information and registration: www.10kiloin10wochen.de or www.schlank24.net

schlank24.net puts an end to the insane diet frenzy and advises heavily overweight people (predominantly over 100 kilos) how they can lose weight in the future by simply changing their diet without feeling hungry or ravenous. We explain why every diet is much more harmful in the long term and why you can only lose weight successfully and permanently without a diet. Our offer is primarily aimed at people who have already tried all possible diets without success and have gained more and more weight over the years and have become less athletic and sick. schlank24.net offers a free advice center for desperate overweight people.

Company contact
Health and weight loss coaching Holger Korsten
Holger Korsten
Hannenstieg 45a
22175 Hamburg
04186 8958 718
0321 2100 4865
[email protected]

Press contact
SEO Agency Online Marketing Webdesign
Holger Korsten
Hannenstieg 45a
22175 Hamburg
040 881 92 439
0321 2100 4865
[email protected]

The image rights belong to the author of the communication.

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