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20-year-old wanted to blow up police

He had already set fire to a patrol car. The finale was planned for New Year’s Eve.

Upper Austria. The officers of the Linz-Ebelsberg police station probably only skidded past the catastrophe on New Year’s Eve. A 20-year-old with Bosnian roots wanted to blow up the guard with a Molotov cocktail.

The Cobra special unit arrested the 20-year-old, he is in custody. The investigators consider him to be the ringleader of a clique of 20 young people who call themselves “La Casa Bariks” and who had struck in the past out of frustration at the existing corona measures. Most recently, they torched a police car while the patrol officers checked the corona rules.

20-year-old wanted to blow up police

In November, the youth torched a police car.

Plans. But this only seems to have been the culmination of the gang’s plans for the time being. The investigations showed even before the New Year’s Eve plans: The young people even wanted to lure a police officer into an ambush, pour gasoline over them and set them on fire. State police chief Andreas Pilsl spoke of a “perfidy that we had never known before”. He even compared Linz-Ebelsberg with Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Arson attack planned on police officers

Attack. After the attack on the police car, a trio was quickly tracked down. There were two 16-year-old boys and a 20-year-old. The three said they were instigated. In order not to divulge any further, the two younger boys were brutally beaten by members of the group as a warning.

U-Haft. The Bosnian, who is now in custody, is considered the perpetrator of the attack plans against the police. So far he has been stubbornly silent. What is certain is that the gang acted out of frustration over the corona measures. “Police officers are increasingly becoming the target of anti-corona measures. We will counteract this development with all consistency, ”said Interior Minister Gerhard Karner.

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