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20-Year-Old Jordan Takter, Son of Famous Jockey Johnny Takter, Embraces Trotting Career with Training at Jägersro

20-year-old Jordan – the new generation entering the sport of jogging

Published 2024-04-25 09.16

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The Takter family is one of Sweden’s most prominent trotting families of all time.

Now comes the next generation – in the form of 20-year-old Jordan Takter.

– It is clear that there is a special pressure, he says in connection with the license training at Jägersro.

– I can recognize myself in him, I am proud of the boy, continued his father Johnny Takter.

  • 20-year-old Jordan Takter, son of famous jockey Johnny Takter, is following in the family footsteps and is now training for a trotting licence, despite previously working as an electrician. this.
  • Jordan, who grew up in the world of jogging, says that there is some pressure, but it is mostly fuel for him.
  • He is more satisfied and enjoys his current job at Team Kolgjini in Skåne, which both his mother and father describe.

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20-year-old Jordan Takter was born into the sport of trotting, at least if you look at the family tree.

Father Johnny is one of Sweden’s leading elite race winning drivers, his mother Jenny J Karlsson was a trotting trainer and driver and we haven’t even mentioned grandfather Bo William Takter legendary, uncle Jimmy who was dominant in the US and cousin Nancy Takter .

But despite the fact that Jordan has been involved in many different situations, in the field of trotting, through his upbringing, he chose to go his own way first.

“Some Kinds of Love Hate”

He trained and tried his hand in an industry miles away from the one with which Takter is so often associated.

– When I was younger, I participated in competitions, mother and father were always on the way and competing and as a child you have to keep up, it became a kind of a love-hate relationship. I wasn’t really interested because of that. I then chose to go to education and started working as an electrician. But some time ago I was contacted and then I called Lutfi Kolgjini and asked if he had any work for me, Jordan Takter tells Trav 365.

“Does the license training take place at Jägersro”

The Kolgjini family didn’t have a job at first, but they solved it anyway so that Jordan could work on their large farm Vomb in Skåne.

– I started working in the stud farm first, been there since last autumn. Now I have seven two year olds that I train and take care of in what they call the “old stable”. It is great fun to follow them and see how they are growing, they are growing so fast and I have been able to see their progress every week. I’m really excited to work with Adrian, Dante and everyone else. They teach me a lot, Jordan continues.

What’s happening right now in your running life?

– In addition to my work at Team Kolgjini, I attend the license training at Jägersro. The actual training will end in June, then we’ll see. Recently, the stable back was closed due to suspected infection, so it may take a while.

Here on the farm in Vomb, with professional trainer Adrian Kolgjini, Jordan Takter works.

“Like fuel for me”

Jordan Takter has found harmony in his life and now most say that living in his family’s footsteps is the way forward.

– That’s the plan. I have a lot of family pride in the horses and I have set goals but right now I am taking it day by day. There is driving and then I have mum and dad who coach me and teach me a lot.

Are you under any pressure to be successful and live up to your family’s great achievements?

– I’m not going to lie, it’s clear that there is a certain pressure. But especially to the advanced ones, I would say. It’s like fuel for me. The most important thing is to learn from everyone around me.

What are your dreams?

– I want to be a good driver, sometimes I can sit and dream about big competition days. Derby day here at Jägersro, feel that feeling. But also to win the Elitloppet like his father did in 2010 with Iceland.

Were you in Solvay then?

– Yes, I was only six or seven years old, but I remember it well. Mum finished second that day in the apprentice race and dad won the Elite race. It was a terrible feeling. I will try to go up this year and have a look too.

The parents, his mother Jenny, who is now in charge of finance, and the coach, Johnny’s father, met for the first time when Johnny ran into her at Vomb at the Kolgjini family. Some time later they met again and fell in love.

In 2010, Stefan

“I was a little surprised”

A few decades later, they now follow Jordan on his journey.

– He has had the trot in the back of his mind all along, but then it became lightning and he was going to keep doing it. After he got the call and started working at Team Kolgjini, he seems to be doing very well, it’s like night and day, says mother Jenny and continues:

– Jordan is a man who loves animals, he cares about them. He is a very sensitive person who has good driving skills. The turn of events surprised me, it’s not something that neither Johnny nor I have pushed forward. You have to remember that Jordan is his own man, but it’s fun that he’s so involved. I am very proud of it.

Johnny Taker: “Very proud”

Dad Johnny hasn’t raced in a year but he doesn’t want to give up his job as a jockey just yet. When spring and heat come, there may be talk of running, but nothing has been decided yet.

Now much of the time is spent following the boy, a relationship that is strong, known and with many similarities at a young age.

– His interest and preferences have grown and I have not wanted to lie about anything, I think it is very important not to do too much. But he has all the prerequisites. He didn’t like what he was working on and now he seems to be working very well at Kolgjini. It reminds me a lot, recognizes a lot in myself. I was probably a little more shy than him at that age, Johnny explained.

What is it like to follow him as a child in his career?

– He has driving hands, you can see that very quickly. It’s great fun following you. He needs experience and he’s getting it now. He is in a stable with high goals and objectives.

If you could give any advice to Jordan. What would that be?

– Focus on yourself! Not on other people and what they think you should do. Focus on your own results, nothing else. Focus on your dream or goal! Never be afraid to lose. I am very proud of the boy, above all he is a very nice person, conclusion Johnny Takter.

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full screenJenny J Karlsson's mother and Johnny Takter's father were both successful in the trot.

Johnny, Jimmy and Jordan Taker.

2024-04-25 22:58:55
#lie #amount #pressure

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