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20 Ways to Diet Fast, Natural and Healthy

The ideal body weight with a slim body is the dream of many people. Not a few are willing to go on a strict diet in order to get the desired body shape.

Not only that, there are also several beauty clinics that offer various treatments to make the body slimmer. There are also various slimming pills on the market and are often a shortcut taken as a fast diet.

In fact, the way an instant diet is actually less recommended. Besides being unhealthy, this diet is also difficult to do consistently.

Diet for Weight Loss

Actually losing weight must start with a healthy diet, such as regulating intake food that enters the body. Where, food that is nutritious and has a lot of nutrients will save You from various risks of disease.

Here’s how to lose weight fast diet, compiled from various sources.

1. Avoid skipping breakfast

To be able to lower body weight, often people think of reducing meal times by skipping breakfast.

However, breakfast is an important thing that should not be missed. Breakfast or eating in the morning can provide energy the body needs to carry out daily activities, while making you feel full longer. This reduces the urge to snack or overeat.

At breakfast, choose foods that are healthy and contain protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber, such as eggs, skim milk, nuts, fruit, and vegetables.

2. Avoid sugary drinks

Sweet drinks contain a lot gula and high enough calories, so as to be able to gain weight.

In running a fast skinny diet, you are advised to avoid consuming sugary and high-calorie drinks, such as soda, smoothies, sweet iced tea, sweet yogurt, energy drinks, and packaged fruit juices.

3. Consume water before eating

So that the process of losing weight can run faster, make it a habit to drink plain water at least 30 minutes before eating. This habit can prevent you from overeating and make you feel fuller.

4. Consume foods that contain soluble fiber

Foods that contain soluble fiber can make you feel full longer. Some examples of soluble fiber foods are nuts, avocados, sweet potatoes, broccoli, pears, carrots, apples, dragon fruit, guava, sunflower seeds, figs and oats.

5. Consumption of coffee and tea

Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and tea, can increase levels of the hormone epinephrine in the body. When levels of the hormone epinephrine increase, fat in the body will be easily broken down so that weight will fall.

However, it should be noted that the performance of the hormone epinephrine in weight loss cannot run optimally without a healthy diet and adequate exercise. In addition, make sure you consume coffee and tea without other additives, such as sugar or cream.

6. Avoid processed foods

Avoid eating processed foods such as dried fruit, frozen foods, breakfast cereals, fast food, breads, cakes, biscuits, canned vegetables and processed meats.

Consumption of fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, and nuts is recommended, because they are more nutritious and can keep you full longer.

7. Eat food slowly

People who often eat fast will more easily gain weight. Therefore, eat slowly so that your body can adjust the feeling of fullness with the amount of food consumed.

Eating slowly can also make you full faster, even if the food consumed is not too much.

8. Get enough sleep

Quality sleep the bad ones also contribute to weight gain, so it’s important to make sure you get enough sleep every day.

Although there are various fast diet methods that can help you lose weight in less time, it is still recommended that you follow a healthy diet to lose weight gradually. This kind of diet is also more durable in the long term.

Traditional Herbal Drink

In addition to food, there are also some drinks that can help you lose weight. These traditional drinks are easy to get, because they can be made from a variety of herbal plants that are easily found in Indonesia. In fact, many herbal plants are present in ready-to-eat packages and are used in the medicinal industry.

9. Green Tea

The next natural and traditional way to lose weight is to drink regularly green tea. Green tea is known for its many benefits. Green tea has long been believed to be one of the most effective ways to lose weight.

  • To get the maximum benefits, drink green tea regularly before you eat
  • Make sure you drink it without sugar
  • By drinking it before eating, it will automatically make your stomach feel fuller while eating and of course it is effective in reducing your meal portion

Green tea can accelerate the body’s metabolism, including fat metabolism, so it will help eliminate fat in the body. In addition, green tea is rich in anti-oxidants that are useful for preventing acne cancer and lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

10. Lime Tea

Not only green tea, you can also use regular tea mixed with juice lime. The method:

  • Prepare a tea bag or 3 teaspoons
  • 1 lime
  • A glass of hot water
  • Brew the tea and mix the lime juice into it
  • Consume regularly.

11. Honey and Ginger

Honey is known to have many properties to prevent and treat several diseases. Honey can also be used as a natural way to lose weight. Honey contains substances that will burn body fat indirectly, namely fructose.

Meanwhile, ginger is naturally able to suppress appetite, so you can reduce your food intake easily, because you feel less hungry. How to make it is quite easy. Here are the ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp ginger juice


Mix the two in a glass and brew with hot water. Drink 2 times a day.


In addition to maintaining food intake, you are also advised to exercise regularly if you want to lose weight. Cardio and resistance-building exercises, such as lifting weights, are great options for weight loss.

You don’t have to go to the gym or take a class that can drain your pocket, there are lots of exercises and exercises that you can do yourself at home.

By exercising, the calories in the body will be burned and accelerate your weight loss process, while making the body healthier.

12. Cardio

Cardio is one type of exercise that involves almost all parts of the body such as running, cycling, swimming, and others. By doing cardio, the muscles in the body work, starting from the calf muscles, thigh muscles, back muscles, abdominal muscles, arms and shoulders.

13. Yoga

Yoga is a sport that focuses on strength, flexibility, and breathing. Research in India proves yoga is very helpful in eliminating excess gas in the stomach, thus facilitating digestion and eliminating belly fat.

Train and align body and mind to be more relax, will stimulate the body to release hormones that can help the process of burning fat in the body effectively.

Start practicing yoga for 10-20 minutes every day so that the body can perform the metabolic system optimally.

14. Sit Up dan Push Up

Another easy thing to do is sit-up and push-up. However, you have to do it regularly to get maximum results. Do it 10 times sit-up and 10 times push-up, then increase the intensity of exercise every day.

This will help you lose weight in a short time. Do sit-up and push-up in the morning, can be useful for controlling appetite because it can cause the effect of easy satiety.

15. Crunch

One of the exercises at home that is part of the fast diet method is crunch. This exercise is very good for toning the upper abdominal muscles, reducing belly fat, and shaping the stomach to look better.

This exercise is included in one of the most popular abdominal exercises, because it has been proven to be effective in getting rid of the distended stomach that obese people often complain about. Way to do crunch that is:

  • Lie on your back
  • Bend your knees
  • Put your hands behind your head
  • Lift your shoulders off the floor and bend your legs towards your ribs
  • Do 20 counts

16. Piyo Flip

Sport low-impact Like the Piyo Flip, it is part of a fast home workout to lose weight. Fitness experts believe the piyo flip movement is very good in making the body slimmer and lighter. This is because the piyo flip movement involves all parts of the body, starting from the buttocks, legs, arms, chest, and shoulders.

How to do a piyo flip, namely:

  • Take a body position push-up
  • Bend your right knee to form a 90 degree angle
  • Lift your right hand off the mat
  • Slowly turn your body so that your face is facing up
  • Repeat for 10 times
  • Do the same on the left side

17. Plank

Plank is one of the simplest exercises you can do in an effort to lose weight while at home. Movement plank very good for training muscles and burning fat in the body, so this exercise is great for losing weight and strengthening the spine.

Way to do plank that is:
– Prepare the mat
– Take a position like push-up
– Bend your arms to form a 90 degree angle until your elbows touch the mat
– Hold that position for 2 minutes
– Repeat the same movement for 10 times or according to ability

18. Squats

Sport squats good chosen as a fast home exercise to lose weight. This exercise is perfect for someone who wants to shape the ideal thighs and buttocks. Movement squat can help train the core muscles of the body including the lower abdominal muscles which are one of the body parts that store the most fat.

Way to do squats that is:

  • Stand up straight
  • Open both legs until they are parallel to the shoulders
  • Lower your hips to a sitting position
  • Return to standing position
  • Do up to 20 counts

19. Side Leg Raise

One of these home exercises is very easy and simple to do, as it doesn’t require a lot of equipment. This exercise is suitable for burning calories and fat in the body.

Way to do side leg raise:

  • Position the body to sleep on your side with the support of one hand and foot
  • Lift the non -focused leg upwards to make a 45 -degree angle
  • Do up to 10 counts

20. Skipping or Jump Rope

This exercise is one part of the fast diet method, by doing the easiest home exercises that can be practiced to get the ideal body. Jumping rope is good for toning muscles and can burn up to 10 calories per minute. For starters, you can start this movement for at least 10 minutes per day.

Once you get used to it, you can increase the duration according to your ability as you learn to try other jumping styles, such as jumping while running or jumping on one leg at a time. If done regularly, will get extraordinary body changes.

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