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20 trillion won will be released next month… Prime Minister Chung “Quick execution of the 4th subsidy”

[세종=이데일리 최훈길 기자] 20 trillion won will be released next month as a measure to support public welfare, including the 4th emergency disaster support fund. It is intended to provide emergency support to self-employed people affected by Corona 19.

On the 28th, the party administration held the second high-ranking party political council at the National Assembly on the 28th to discuss supplementary administration and disaster subsidies. From left: Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki and Minister of Strategy and Finance, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, Lee Nak-yeon, together with Democratic Party representative, Kim Tae-yeon, Democratic Party leader, and Kim Sang-jo, head of the Blue House Policy Office. [사진=연합뉴스]

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun said, “We have prepared an additional support plan of 20 trillion won” at the 2nd high-ranking party council held at the National Assembly on the afternoon of the 28th. The government will make full preparations to ensure that the supplementary bill is processed (in March) and is quickly executed.”

On this day, the Democratic Party Representative Lee Nak-yeon, the House Representative Kim Tae-nyeon, the Prime Minister Chung, and Kim Sang-jo, the head of the policy office, are scheduled to finalize a detailed supplementary plan. Following this, the party administration plans to proceed according to the execution schedule after a resolution of the State Council on the 2nd of next month, submission to the National Assembly on the 4th, and an additional process of the plenary session on the 18th.

Prime Minister Jeong explained, “We will support the victims as broadly and thickly as possible.” “I was concerned about the burden of government bonds for future generations, but the party government agreed that it is the top priority to recover the lives of people (which are now in trouble).”

Earlier, CEO Nak-yeon Lee said, “It will be the largest (out of disaster support)” at the’Small business online and offline talks’ held at the Gimhae Small Business Business Center on the 27th. It’s 10,000 won, but I raised the amount little by little.”

Regarding the target of support, Lee said, “We have included special employment forms and culture and arts fields. Eight industries must have been added,” he said. “The most groundbreaking thing is that we put street vendors into the target of support this time. There will be 40,000 locations nationwide.”

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