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20 minutes – The situation is tightening in families

The number of concerned teacher calls to victim assistance centers has increased significantly since the lockout. It is often they who find bruises on children or find that the students almost never get to sleep because their parents argue. In the coronavirus crisis, teachers are almost the only ones to notice when families, and especially children, are not doing well, said Marlies Haller, executive director of the foundation against violence against women and children, the SonntagsZeitung.

Pro Juventute’s program 147.ch also answers your questions.

No one knows how many children are currently experiencing psychological and physical violence, abuse or neglect in their own homes. One thing is certain: the isolation affects families. The situation is critical for many children and is worsening every day of the closure, says Marlies Haller.

Pro Juventute figures show for the first time how tense family life is in everyday life. The foundation runs a support and advice program. Since the onset of the crisis, the number of inquiries by chat, email or SMS, which are mainly used by children and young people, has increased by 32%. Telephone consultations for parents also increased by 25%. Several families are in a very tense situation. Peter Sumpf of the Zurich Parents’ Emergency Line noticed this. Shortly before the explosion, he says, it’s less about resolving conflicts than treating them so they don’t get worse.

(roy / lom)

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