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20 minutes – Men die more often from coronavirus

It has long been suspected that more men than women die from an infection with the new corona virus. English researchers from the Global Health 50/50 initiative have published an evaluation on this topic on Wednesday. For this purpose, eleven countries recorded the number of deaths broken down by gender. Again “Daily scoreboard” Switzerland is not one of them. According to the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), however, this should change soon.


How does the corona virus affect your everyday life?

The latest figures show that, for example, 71 percent of the deceased in Italy are male, 64 percent in China, 65 percent in Spain and 63 percent in Germany. Women should not be infected much less often than men. Women make up 42 percent of the sick in Italy, 49 in China and 45 percent in Germany. In South Korea, 61 percent of those affected are women, yet they make up only half of the fatalities. In Switzerland, the gender ratio of the contagions is practically balanced, writes the “Tages-Anzeiger”.

Biological requirements and lifestyle

“Depending on the country, men are up to 90 percent more likely to die from Covid-19,” project manager Sarah Hawkes told CNN. According to the scientists, lifestyle plays a major role on the one hand. But biological differences are also important. So women have a stronger immune system than men.

According to the researchers, the biological conditions are only one factor in the higher mortality among men. The risk factors for a severe course also include various previous diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic lung diseases or high blood pressure.

In addition, men have a riskier lifestyle. In contrast to women, they drink more alcohol and also use other addictive substances more often. In China, the difference is said to be huge. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 40 percent of men smoke, and the figures for women are in the single digits. This is also one of the reasons why men suffer from cardiovascular diseases more often – pneumonia can be an additional burden for a damaged heart.


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