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20 minutes – “It’s just there, I wouldn’t have noticed”

The corona virus continues to spread. In Germany, too, several new infections are reported every day. One of the 117 infected is a senior physician in pathology at the University Hospital in Tübingen.

Infected at the daughter

He was infected by his daughter, who had only returned from a vacation in Italy on Sunday evening. She and her boyfriend had contracted the novel corona virus in Milan. What started with a slight scratch in the throat on the way home ended in quarantine for the three.

The 59-year-old doctor now spends at least ten days in the isolation ward of “his” hospital. Visits are reduced to a minimum. «These rooms also accommodate patients with flu or tuberculosis. The patients are not in a high-security isolation area like Ebola, »says Stefano Fusco, senior physician at the isolation ward “Mirror”,

“I would not have noticed the corona virus myself”

If you still want to enter your room, you have to endure a painstaking procedure: put on a water-repellent protective gown, a breathing filter mask of level FFP2, safety glasses and gloves that go over your gown sleeves. If you leave the room, everything disappears in a black box and is disposed of. Everyday life for doctors and nurses.

“I am fine. I feel nothing, have my full strength and am amazed at the things that are going on in the outside world. You don’t smell the corona virus, you don’t see it, you don’t taste it. It’s just there. I wouldn’t have noticed it myself, ”says the 59-year-old. His daughter and her travel companion were also doing well. Therefore the treatment would be limited. In addition to occasional fever and blood pressure measurements, he could “just sit it out”.


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