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+ 20% in one day (and over 250 thousand new ones booked in a few hours) – Corriere.it

of Fabio Savelli

In Lazio in a few hours 55 thousand new bookings, ten times above the average of the previous week. In Lombardy up to 20 yesterday over 62 thousand, in Veneto 20 thousand new bookings. The thrust of the 12-19 age group

A new click in reservations 20% compared to the day before. Budgetable, but not in these proportions, especially in some regions such as Lazio, Lombardy, Piedmont and Veneto where the vaccination campaign was already being sent. The announcement of the compulsory Green Pass from 6 August, contained in a law decree, has led to a surge in adhesions on regional platforms that convey reservations for the first doses with surges of up to 200% in the smaller ones. Likely estimates, calculated by adding up the data that arrive a little in dribs and drabs from the regions, indicate about 250 thousand new ones booked to the campaign yesterday alone. On a national basis, compared to the previous 24 hours, the number of new members has increased by a fifth. Until now they had preferred to wait as the bookings have been released from the age since mid-June. But this news, which in fact contains an indirect obligation to vaccinate given the limitations for those without one, has convinced some undecided.

Data by region

In Lazio in a few hours 55 thousand new bookings, ten times above the average of the previous week. In Lombardy up to 20 yesterday over 62 thousand, in Veneto 20 thousand new ones booked up to 16 yesterday, in Emilia Romagna the screenings at the same time indicate a range between 22 and 25 thousand new ones booked in one day, 80 thousand in the last four, when the obligation of the Green Certificate it was now becoming a reality. In Tuscany 13 thousand new adherents until 6 pm yesterday, over 20 thousand in Piedmont, about 9 thousand in Campania at 4 pm, a number similar to that of Liguria which had already registered 5 thousand new bookings on Thursday evening. In Puglia bookings have tripled compared to the previous day, in Basilicata they doubled, as in the Marche and Umbria, but also in Friuli Venezia Giulia and Sardinia.

The push for the campaign

The government’s objective was therefore centered. That is to push the vaccination campaign towards achieving collective immunity at the end of September when we should have covered at least 43.4 million Italians with a double dose, 80% of the population of vaccinable people aged 12 and over. At the moment about 8.5 million are missing. Thanks to the summer period in all regions in the first fifteen days of July there was a decrease in registrations. Distrustful, no-vax, disinterested, wait in order not to risk being tied to the date of the recall during holidays. The Green Certificate, probably binding when traveling and who knows in the workplace, has tracked down those who prevaricated. in Lombardy, over a thousand over 60s, the most at risk, have been recovered from the countryside.

The administrations

The dates of administration for differ between region and region. In the smaller ones it is realistic to have the date of the first puncture within a week, ten days, in those with a higher population it is likely to slip even after mid-August. But the variables are endless. It depends on the scheduling of the recalls, on the stocks in the refrigerators, even on the shifts of the health personnel in the vaccination hubs. Recalls are also destined to decrease over the days given the current rate of second doses of about 450,000 on average per day. Net of a few bottlenecks in some regions – which would delay the sting of those who now adhere to the campaign well beyond 6 August – supplies remain adequate to a demand that is soaring upwards after a few weeks of decline. There are just under 2.6 million Pfizer and Moderna doses in stock in the refrigerators as well as 850 thousand of AstraZeneca and 900 thousand of Janssen usable only for the over 60 of which about 2.1 million are missing. These are stocks that will run out in a few days but 3.5 million doses per week of new supplies are expected. So the speed of 500,000 daily injections should be maintained with these new members. In yesterday’s boom in bookings, especially the range between 12 and 19 years old, to be covered quickly in order to safely reopen schools in September.


July 23, 2021 (change July 23, 2021 | 22:33)

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