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2 Parties Agree, 6 Reject, PDI-P Confused, What is the Fate of the Continuation of the 1945 Constitution Amendment?

MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo met with President Joko Widodo at the Bogor Palace. (Source: mpr.go.id)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS TV – The issue of amendments to the 1945 Constitution has again become a hot topic of discussion in the public after the Chairman of the MPR, Bambang Soesatyo, met with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the Bogor Palace, last Friday (13/8/2021).

One of the concerns is that in the future there will be a discussion about the addition of the President’s term of office.

At that time, the man who was familiarly called Bamsoet admitted that President Jokowi agreed with the MPR’s plan to carry out a limited amendment to the 1945 Constitution related to presenting the Principles of State Policy (PPHN) and not extending it to other issues.

The plan has the support of two political parties that have cadres in the MPR. The two are PPP and PKB.

Also Read: Alluding to the Amendment, Bamsoet Calls the 1945 Constitution Not a Holy Book and Needs Completion

PPP Deputy General Chair Arsul Sani stated that he agreed with the amendments to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia to present the PPHN so that whoever becomes President has a more comprehensive philosophical and ideological foundation, not just interpreting Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

“This is to answer concerns that the PPHN will negate the President’s freedom to articulate his vision and mission in running the government as feared by a number of parties,” Arsul told reporters. COMPASS TV, Tuesday (17/8/2021).

According to him, if someone later proposes to expand the discussion on amendments, such as discussing the term of office of the president, it will certainly be rejected by all members of the MPR.

“So even though it can be thrown as a discourse in the public, it is difficult to become an amendment agenda in the end,” he said.

Also Read: Nasdem: Amendment to the 1945 Constitution will Disrupt the Handling of Covid-19

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