Monday 19th December 2022 – 2.09pm WIB
Techno live – Formerly Two Worlds in Orbit bintang They are said to be similar at 218 light-years away Land with a larger version called metal balls and boulders.
The exoplanets are called Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d. Both are about 1.5 times the radius of Earth and look like wet worlds composed of thick, vaporous atmospheres and immensely deep oceans, all encased in a rocky, metallic interior.
“We previously thought that a planet slightly larger than Earth was a large ball of metal and rock, like an enlarged version of the Earth, which is why we called it Earth. super earthsaid astronomer Bjorn Benneke of the University of Montreal.
However they found that the two had very different properties in which most of their entire volume probably consisted air. It’s the first time they’ve observed a planet that can be positively identified as a watery world, the kind of planet astronomers have long been theorizing about.
A recent analysis of the other world found it could be a water world, but more observations are needed to confirm this. According to the researchers, their work on Kepler-138’s two oceanic planets is still uncertain.
Illustration of the exoplanet Proxima b.
Find out what the outer planets are made of Solar system we (exoplanets) usually need a lot of detective work. They are very distant and very faint compared to the light of the stars they orbit because direct images are very difficult to obtain and do not show much detail.