On Sunday, May 15, the first departmental sports and health climbing day took place in Gap. Organized by Valérie Chauvet of the CT FFME Hautes-Alpes, the aim of this day was to highlight the sport on prescription. Back on this day rich in emotions, motivation and sharing.
Like many actors in the event, Valérie Chauvet is a professional in her field. Psychomotrician and climbing sports educator, she created “Grimper Santé” five years ago. The objective of this action: to allow people suffering from chronic illnesses to be able to practice sport thanks to a prescription. It is within the framework of this project that the departmental day was able to see the light of day.
This gathering, open to all, was well attended: caregivers from the surrounding area, climbers from the “Grimper santé” action, volunteers and interested people (suffering from chronic illnesses, disabilities) came together today; in total, fifty participants aged between 30 and 85 were able to attend various workshops.
A busy program which occupied the participants from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. around verticality, with continuous climbing, adapted yoga / pilates, reflexology in self-massage as well as a musical meal break.
The participants, like Marie, particularly appreciated the empathy, attentiveness and friendly atmosphere at the meeting this Sunday: ” Thank you for this most interesting day. Forget the time of a day. Live for yourself. Wonderful day “. But beyond the meeting, it was also about trying out new practices and daring!
It was a real desire on the part of the organizers to share, to be a driving force and to encourage this health dynamic supported by HAS and INSERM. This gathering also allows caregivers, potential prescribers, to visit the activities practiced by their “future” patients.