Home » today » Business » 19-year-old National Education intern admits to rape of 3-year-old girl in Villars nursery school

19-year-old National Education intern admits to rape of 3-year-old girl in Villars nursery school

A 19-year-old young man, a National Education intern, admitted to the rape of a three-year-old girl. The events took place in a nursery school in Villars, in the Loire. The suspect was indicted and imprisoned at the beginning of December.

The Saint-Etienne public prosecutor’s office confirmed to AFP this Saturday that a National Education trainee was indicted and imprisoned at the beginning of December. As indicated initially the daily Progresshe is suspected of raping a three-year-old girl from a nursery school in Villars (Loire).

Facts recognized in police custody

The 19-year-old man was indicted on December 1 for “sexual exhibition and rape of a minor under 15 years old”, following police custody lasting 48 hours. The public prosecutor of Saint-Etienne, David Charmatz, also provided additional information on this case. He told AFP that during his custody, the suspect “unknown to the courts until then, admitted rape and ruled out having committed other sexual acts on another minor.”

The young official, who was in training, was also indicted for “possession of child pornography images”. A decision taken following a search of his home and analysis of his computer equipment.

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The events took place a few weeks after the start of the school year, in mid-October. And more precisely in the canteen of the Hubert-Pouquet nursery school in Villars, a town located in the Saint-Etienne metropolis, as part of the after-school program. It was the three-year-old girl who revealed these acts by confiding in her parents during the All Saints’ Day holidays.

The mayor of Villars, Jordan Da Silva, reacted through a press release. He shared his surprise about the “presence of this trainee within the school during extracurricular time in the absence of a hosting agreement”. Asked by the AFP, the person concerned regrets, “given the seriousness of the facts, having to wait until January 8 for the Academic Inspectorate to agree to a meeting to provide (him) with an explanation”.

TD with AFP

2023-12-23 18:03:29
#Suspected #rape #3yearold #girl #National #Education #trainee #indicted #Loire

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