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19-Year-Old Håvard Handeland Becomes Norway’s Youngest Mayor in History

FIRST MEETING: Håvard Handeland recently met Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre for the first time. Photo: Helge Mikalsen / VG

Håvard Handeland (19) takes over the mayoral chain in Sauda. The AP politician is apparently the youngest mayor in history.


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Sauda, ​​which is located in Rogaland, is traditionally an Ap bastion, but in the last four years the Center Party has had a clear majority and both mayor and deputy mayor.

Now incumbent mayor Asbjørn Birkeland (Sp) is losing power to 19-year-old Håvard Handeland. It became clear after intense negotiations on Tuesday.

– The learning curve is approaching 90 degrees. There will be a lot to get used to before the constituent municipal council meeting, says Handeland to VG.

– I get to sit down with the old ring foxes in Ap here in Sauda.

– The cord-cutting course will come later…

The election on Monday ended with the Center Party, Labor Party and Conservative Party getting the same number of representatives in the municipal council – but Handeland thus becomes mayor after Labor Party negotiated with both of the other two parties.

– We ended up collaborating with the Right. The most important thing for us is politics, and we feel that we will go the furthest with the Conservative Party.

– A collaboration with the Conservative Party – how do people in the Labor bastion Sauda take it?

– It will be exciting to see the reactions, but I think that people will see that we have politics as the most important thing, says Handeland.

He will be Norway’s youngest mayor ever. Jonas Andersen Sayed held the record after he became mayor of Sokndal at the last election as a 21-year-oldwrites NTB.

In an earlier interview with VG, Handeland said that he had been in contact with Andersen Sayid in the time before the election.

He also said he has been involved in politics since he realized what it was.

– That politics was everything. That it was public transport, school… Then I realized that I was politically engaged. I joined Ap in 2019, as a 14-year-old.

– But I have never been to the national meeting of Ap or the Utøya camp. The biggest thing I’ve been to is the annual meeting of the county party, he continued.


Published: 12.09.23 at 23:48

Updated: 13.09.23 at 00:17

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2023-09-12 21:48:55

#Håvard #Sauda #mayor

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