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19 states already ‘plan’ reform for the transfer of GN to Sedena

The majority of state congresses have already approved the reforms on the National Guard and the rights of indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples, so this Sunday the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies will formulate the declaration of constitutionality of both, so that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador sends it to the Official Gazette of the Federation for publication on Monday, the last day of his government.

The amendment on the National Guard achieved the support of 19 local congresses last night, and that of indigenous peoples, 20, in a process that Morena and its allies managed to accelerate, after the Senate approved it last Wednesday morning, and one day Afterwards, it had already been voted on in half plus one of the legislatures of the states of the Republic.

In fact, the entire Constituent process was dizzying; The reform that passes control of the National Guard to the Ministry of Defense (Sedena) was approved in the Chamber of Deputies on the 19th, six days later in the Senate and it took just over 30 hours for it to be voted on and endorsed. in most state congresses.

In separate interviews, Morena senators Óscar Cantón Zetina and Saúl Monreal considered that it is fair that before leaving his mandate, López Obrador signs the decree promulgating both, given that they are two of the initiatives of the package known as the plan C that was presented on February 5.

They agreed that despite the speed with which the two constitutional amendments were passed, the legal times were respected. We complied with the mandate of the citizens, who with their vote gave us the qualified majority necessary for modifications to the Magna Carta, commented Cantón Zetina.

Since last Wednesday, when the minutes on the National Guard came out of the Senate – around 7 in the morning, after a marathon discussion –, 12 local congresses met and approved this reform: the first was that of Tabasco, followed by those of Mexico City, Zacatecas, Tlaxcala, Campeche, Baja California, Guerrero, Durango, Sinaloa, Colima, Oaxaca and Yucatán.

Yesterday those from Michoacán, Morelos, Nayarit, Puebla, Veracruz, Tamaulipas and the state of Mexico voted for it, to add 18, one more than required, although in the coming days the results of the other entities that are governed by Morena will be added.

The Senate recorded last night on its website that the vote of half plus one of the legislatures had already been achieved for both.

With information from correspondents

#states #plan #reform #transfer #Sedena
– 2024-09-29 16:04:33

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