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19 – Research institutions want to coordinate work in the corona pandemic

More than 30 companies and research institutions want to bundle their work in the corona pandemic.

The pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim announced that the search for effective drugs against the disease Covid-19 caused by the new coronavirus should be accelerated. A total of 37 agencies from the EU, China, Great Britain, Switzerland and the USA are involved.

One focus of the research is therefore on the development of antibodies that neutralize the virus. In addition, molecules are to be brought onto the market that act directly against the pathogen. The research network is funded by the EU with more than 77 million euros and is supported by the pharmaceutical industry.

Further articles on the coronavirus

We have a News blog created. In view of the large amount of information, this provides an overview of the most important current developments.

Test and protection

+ Treatment: That is how far vaccine research against the coronavirus is (13.08.)
+ Face masks: What you should know about protective masks (Stand: 12.08.)
+ Tests: Where you can get tested (Stand: 13.08.)

Numbers and dates

+ Current developments: Figures on the coronavirus in Germany (Stand: 17.08.)
+ Classification: What numbers do we mention about the coronavirus and why (Stand: 09.06.)

Vacation and free time

+ Travel: The current regulations in Germany (Stand: 16.08.)
+ Infection numbers and entry: What is the situation like in the holiday countries? (Stand: 14.08.)

Contagion and Transmission

+ Transmission: What role do aerosol particles play in transmission? (Stand: 12.08.)
+ Prevention: How it is currently about a second wave of the coronavirus (Stand: 06.08.)
+ Herbst: What to do when the corona and the flu wave collide (Stand: 11.08.)
+ “Superspreader Events “: When can demonstrations, celebrations and events become a problem? (Stand 07.08.)
+ Excess mortality: how deadly is the coronavirus? (Stand: 16.08)
+ Long-term consequences: What are the long-term consequences of a corona infection? (Stand: 08.08.)
+ Shopping cart and co: How long the coronavirus lasts on surfaces (Stand: 08.08.)

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