Home » today » Entertainment » 18 years and 2 children later: Leo Bianchi proposes to his partner in front of hundreds of witnesses

18 years and 2 children later: Leo Bianchi proposes to his partner in front of hundreds of witnesses

By itself, marriage is not only one of the most serious, but also the most important steps that a person can take on his life’s journey. Therefore, when most people are fully convinced that they are ready to make it happen, they want to make this moment truly special, turning it into a fascinating and unforgettable story to tell for the rest of their days, sharing it with everyone full of desire. and willingness to listen to it. Just such an interesting story was recently created by Leo Bianchi, a famous chef and restaurateur in our country, whom the local public knows in many other roles: as a participant in reality shows, TV presenter, rapper, etc. He recently asked his significant other the most important question a man can ask a woman, asking her if he wants to be her wife.

To listen to him, Lucia, who bore him two sons, the twins Mattia and Nicolò, had to arm herself with eighteen years of patience. But if we asked her today if all the waiting was worth it, most likely her answer would be yes, just like the one she actually gave to her former roommate, who lived twice in the famous “Big Brother” house, when finally he formally asked for her hand in marriage. The reason is that her partner has tried to make the surprise as romantic as possible, touching even the smallest details.

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For example, the place where he chooses to kneel in front of his beloved is the stage of the theater in his hometown, Ancona, immediately after the end of the show staged there by the most famous comedian in the country, i.e. Maurizio Battista, who in fact help carry out his plan. After managing to secure seats for the actor’s performance, for which tickets traditionally sell out in a few hours, Leo contacted Maurizio on Facebook, writing him a private message on the platform asking him to help him realize the idea. After reading it, the comedian immediately agreed, saying that it would be a real pleasure for him.

Another of his accomplices in his projects is a close friend of his chosen one Mary, who had to buy a bouquet consisting of exactly eighteen red roses – one for each year that the couple spent together. In the final part of the performance, the Italian star called Bianchi to the microphone, inviting him to join him in the spotlight. Standing next to him, she called Maria, who brought him flowers, and then asked Lucia to come to him. After she moved next to him, she pulled her engagement ring box out of her pocket, asking her in front of the audience in the room, “Do you want to share the rest of your life with me?” However, her words caught her completely off guard, so it took her a while to shake off the bewilderment she felt at what was happening before answering him with a “Yes”, making him the happiest man in the house. earth. Their subsequent kiss was accompanied by thunderous applause from those present, some of whom photographed the sentimental event with their devices, while the others wiped away tears of emotion.

Photo: official Instagram profile

The chef told a local tabloid that he had long wanted to propose to his partner, but waited for the right moment to do so because he didn’t want it to be trivial, because otherwise it would not reflect his own personality. Bianchi also revealed that they have decided to hold two ceremonies in 2024, scheduling one in Bulgaria and the other in Italy, so that all their relatives and friends can share this significant moment with them. Since then, the bride-to-be has been involved in organizing the events, and it is clear that the celebration in Botusha will take place under the open sky. The two have already decided on the best men to invite and, moreover, they have decided that their children will take the rings to the altar, where the bride and groom will exchange them.

Not so long ago, the owner of several pizzerias and bars in our capital posted a video on his personal Instagram profile, showing his fans how he asked the big question to the woman who gave him heirs.

After 18 years together and 9 year old twin girls, I have decided to take the second most important step of my life! It was exciting and joyful to do it with a veil of smile that covered the emotions! Many thanks to Maurizio for his professionalism, empathy and kindness, but above all for his presence, thanks to which we didn’t stop laughing until it was time to get serious. Now we will have to establish the fateful date when we will say “YES, I WANT IT“, reads his emotional post, which has garnered many likes and congratulations addressed to him in the comments.

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