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“18 Political Parties Register for 2024 Legislative Candidates with Indonesian KPU”


KPU RI has received registration for legislative candidates by all participating parties 2024 election totaling 18 political parties. The registration period for Bacaleg is now officially closed.

“There are 18 political parties participating in the election at the national level and as of today, the last day of registration for prospective members of the DPR RI, 18 political parties participating in the 2024 election have come to the KPU and have registered their prospective candidates for the DPR RI,” said KPU RI Chairman Hasyim Asy ‘ari at the KPU RI office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Sunday (14/5/2023).

Hasyim explained that KPU RI would then carry out administrative verification regarding the requirements for registered legislative candidates. He said there were two categories used in the administrative verification stage of the legislative election.

“Now, starting on the 15th, the activities carried out by the KPU are research or verification of the required documents for candidates. There are two categories used for assessment or research, namely the first is the correctness of the required documents and also the validity of the required documents,” said Hasyim.

Hasyim said that for legislative candidates who later declared not meeting the requirements, they would be given the opportunity to improve during the repair period.

“Now during the verification or examination of administrative documents that category of assessment will be used, whether the documents are correct and valid or not. If there are still documents that are not correct and not valid, then there will be an opportunity for political parties to make improvements during the repair period,” he added.

The Head of the Indonesian KPU Technical Division Idham Holik explained that the Indonesian KPU would then announce the Provisional Candidate List (DCS) on August 29-23. In parallel, Idham said that his party would also collect input from the public on the DCS.

“Later on August 19, for 5 days until August 23, 2023, the KPU will announce the DCS temporary list of candidates. From August 19 to August 28, 2023, the Indonesian KPU will also provide an opportunity for the public to submit input and responses to the DCS that the KPU announce it,” Idham said on the same occasion.

The following is a list of political parties participating in the election that have registered their legislative candidates at the Indonesian KPU:

Monday, May 8

Wednesday, May 10
– Hanura Party

Thursday, May 11
– NasDem Party
– Ummah Party
– Garuda Party

Friday, May 12

Saturday, May 13th
– Gerindra Party

Sunday, May 14th
– Democratic party
– Perindo Party
– Glorious Party
– Golkar Party
– Labor Party


2023-05-14 20:01:02

#KPU #Closes #Registration #Legislative #Candidates #Continues #Administration #Verification #Stages

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