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18 fighter jets and 70,000 onions on board

HMS Queen Elizabeth is on its first sharp mission. Britain’s newest warship is now in the Mediterranean, and F-35B fighter jets on board are scheduled to launch targeted attacks on the Islamic State (IS) inside Iraq shortly.

Over the next 28 weeks, the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth will sail 46,000 kilometers, which is more than one round around the earth.

IMPRESSED: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Photo: Daniel Sannum Lauten / TV 2

As the only Norwegian media, TV 2 has been given an exclusive tour on board. Together with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, we were flown by helicopter from Portugal to the ship that was in the Atlantic last week.

The ship with crews from Great Britain and the United States participates in the exercise Steadfast Defender, with over 9000 allied soldiers.

– This is an important NATO exercise, it shows the NATO countries’ ability to operate together, bring large forces across the Atlantic and move them through Europe, says Jens Stoltenberg to TV 2 on board HMS Queen Elizabeth.

SECRET: The ship contains many secrets.  In some areas, mobile phones are prohibited.

SECRET: The ship contains many secrets. In some areas, mobile phones are prohibited. Photo: Daniel Sannum Lauten / TV 2

– The purpose of the weapons on board this aircraft carrier is that they will never be used. The purpose of having a strong NATO is not to provoke a conflict, but to avert a conflict. As long as every possible attacker knows that all NATO countries come to each other’s aid, there will be no attack or war, says Jens Stoltenberg to TV 2 on board HMS Queen Elizabeth.

5-GENERATION: The fighter jets on board are the most modern fighter jets in the world.

5-GENERATION: The fighter jets on board are the most modern fighter jets in the world. Photo: Daniel Sannum Lauten / TV 2

10 facts about the giant ship:

1. The ship is the UK’s largest and measures 280 meters long, 73 meters wide and weighs 65,000 tonnes. The size corresponds to three football pitches.

Photo: Ana Brigida/AP

Price: NOK 36 billion.

3. Crew on board: 1500 people.

The ship has five fitness rooms, a cinema and space to play basketball and football.

5. On-board facilities also include a chapel, three doctors, a hospital with 12 beds and a dentist.

6. The ship has room for a total of 72 aircraft and helicopters, a maximum of 36 F-35B fighter aircraft.

7. It takes 60 seconds to move a fighter jet from the hangar to the runway (deck).

8. The F-35B aircraft on board take off via a steep ramp and need only 130 meters in length on the runway. The landing takes place vertically, as with a helicopter.

9. 70,000 onions, 25 tons of potatoes, 15,000 chickens, 90 pigs, 400 turkeys and 12,000 cans of canned food are, according to logistics manager Jenny Curwood, enough for 1,500 people for 60 days.

10. 700 people can be served a meal in 90 minutes, the time can be halved in connection with ongoing operations.

THE MANAGER ON BOARD: Jens Stoltenberg was impressed by what he encountered on the aircraft carrier.

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