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1,794 new infections and active cases rise to 16,933

Second day of increase in active cases of coronavirus in Galicia and bad news, since the infections today are above the 1,682 of last Friday. The carnival in Galicia has caused a spike in infections and a halt in the trend of recent weeks. Although the incidence at fourteen days drops to 742, the seven-day rises today, rising from 325 to 329. We will have to see how many more days we will see a spike in infections caused by the carnival (the last day of the holiday was this Tuesday, three days ago), and how long it takes Galicia to get back on track.

The hospital situation better than last friday, and today is better than yesterday. Floor patients drop from 397 to 391 (-6), and ICU patients rise from 28 to 29, making the total drop from 425 to 420 (-5). The 420 hospitalized today are 66 less than the 486 last Friday.

These are the most relevant data today:

  • The number of 1,794 new cases increases by 112 compared to last Friday.
  • Active cases go up to 16.933an increase of 568 infected.
  • The number of people hospitalized drops from 425 to 420, 66 less than a week ago.
  • The incidence at 14 days drops 21 points to 742 and the incidence at 7 days rises 4 points to 329 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Today Friday 112 more diagnoses are registered than the 1,682 last Friday. Today’s 1,794 new cases include all kinds of evidence.

On the Sergas data website today they say that 1,804 cases have been opened in the last 24 hours, but the difference between the total number of infected since the start of the pandemic today (503.063) and yesterday’s (501.269) is 1,794 people. In the same way, the new infections that we indicate by health area are calculated with the same procedure.

In the last 24 hours they have been registered in Galicia 1,794 new cases of SARS-CoV-2, 4 deaths and 1,222 discharges, which makes The active cases of coronavirus rise by 568 people, going from 16,365 yesterday to 16,933 today.

The total number of hospitalized patients drops from 425 to 420, 5 less than yesterday. Last Friday there were 486 hospitalized, 66 more than today. The total number of cases of coronavirus recorded by Sergas since the start of the pandemic is 503.063.

Evolution of the number of infections and active cases

New confirmed cases in the last 14 days




Infections and active cases by health area

Active cases by health area

  • A Coruña: 3,246 (+36)
  • Ferrol: 950 (-2)
  • Lugo: 2.131 (+90)
  • Ourense: 2,057 (+122)
  • Pontevedra: 2,023 (+128)
  • Santiago: 3.096 (+146)
  • Vigo: 3.343 (+53)
  • Total: 16.933 (+568)

New infections by health area

  • A Coruña: 304 (+18)
  • Ferrol: 87 (+16)
  • Lugo: 231 (+58)
  • Ourense: 260 (+61)
  • Pontevedra: 248 (+53)
  • Santiago: 316 (+33)
  • Vigo: 337 (+12)

Incidence by Galician city

  • A Coruña: 665
  • Ferrol: 598
  • Lugo: 1.010
  • Ourense: 958
  • Pontevedra: 837
  • Santiago: 993
  • Vigo: 751

Galician municipalities with the most infections in the last 7 days

  1. Vigo 988
  2. A Coruña 671
  3. Lugo 442
  4. Ourense 439
  5. Santiago de Compostela 402
  6. Pontevedra 330
  7. Redondela 162
  8. Vilagarcía de Arousa 162
  9. Ames 147
  10. Ferrol 144
  11. Narón 114
  12. yokes 105
  13. Teo 103

Galician municipalities with the most infections in the last 14 days

  1. Vigo 2 218
  2. A Coruña 1 633
  3. Ourense 1 008
  4. Lugo 993
  5. Santiago de Compostela 966
  6. Pontevedra 695
  7. Ferrol 395
  8. Ames 311
  9. Redondela 302
  10. Narón 274
  11. Vilagarcía de Arousa 274
  12. yokes 259
  13. Potters 245
  14. Teo 229
  15. Culleredo 214
  16. Carballo 212
  17. the 207 road

Data by health areas

A Coruña

  • Active cases: 3,246 (+36)
  • Contagions: 304 (+18)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 258 (+31)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 221 (-2)
  • Hospitalized floor: 87 (-2)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 6 (=)


  • Active cases: 950 (-2)
  • Contagions: 87 (+16)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 75 (+7)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 68 (-1)
  • Hospitalized floor: 29 (-2)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 1 (=)


  • Active cases: 2,131 (+90)
  • Contagions: 231 (+58)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 179 (+22)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 154 (-1)
  • Hospitalized floor: 43 (-2)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 3 (=)


  • Active cases: 2,057 (+122)
  • Contagions: 260 (+61)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 198 (+37)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 161 (+11)
  • Hospitalized floor: 57 (+3)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 3 (=)


  • Active cases: 2,023 (+128)
  • Contagions: 248 (+53)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 202 (+28)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 172 (+26)
  • Hospitalized floor: 60 (-5)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 5 (+1)


  • Active cases: 3,096 (+146)
  • Contagions: 316 (+33)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 285 (+22)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 237 (-2)
  • Hospitalized floor: 74 (+6)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 7 (+1)


  • Active cases: 3,343 (+53)
  • Contagions: 337 (+12)
  • Average infections last 3 days: 312 (+22)
  • Average infections last 7 days: 263 (=)
  • Hospitalized floor: 41 (-4)
  • Hospitalized ICU: 4 (-1)


Deaths and weekly evolution

The total number of deaths since the beginning reaches 3,118 people, with 4 new victims reported in the last 24 hours, and there are 2,499 since the new normality, compared to 619 in the first wave. The total number of hospitalized patients is 420 (-5), divided into 29 (+1) in the ICU and 391 (-6) in hospitalization units. The total of PCR tests carried out is 3,708,301, of which 3,233 in the last 24 hours.

The week continues somewhat better than the previous one, with 6,665 infections from Monday to Friday compared to 7,714 last week, a decrease of 13.6%. The last weeks have ended with 9,948, 14,643, 22,685, 33,472, 38,718, 41,279, 51,997, 29,797, 30,751, 14,665, 8,158, 6,259, 4,970, 2,979, 1,682, 725, 416, 292, 193, 193, 186, 186, 201, 201, 201, 201, 186, 186, 186, 186, 186, 186, 186, 186, 186 389, 668, 1,138, 1,995, 3,317, 4,157, 5,273, 6,974, 8,414, 9,090, 7,085, 2,991, 1,394, 758, 548, 557, 620, 850, 1,067, 1,103, 1,217, 1,288, 1,362, 1,259, 1,091, 1,091, 1,091 901, 877, 985, 1,112, 1,117, 1,780, 2,498, 4,066, 7,066, 10,337 and 10,526 infections, respectively.




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