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17 years after its broadcast, “Pasión de gavilanes” continues to bring surprises

Horseback riding on the shoulders of an assistant, a boy who was a girl … and other revelations from the actors of the popular soap opera.

Few soap operas have left such a deep mark on the public and have promoted as many careers as they did in 2003 Pasión de gavilanes, the Colombian production that made Danna García, Mario Cimarro, Michel Brown and Juan Pablo Shuk stars, among others.

Many would think that, after 17 years, there should be no fabric left to cut about its actors, behind-the-scenes anecdotes and unexpected complications. However, the soap opera still continues to bring surprises:

The most recent was the revelation of actress Natasha Klauss, who played Sarita, one of the Elizondo sisters, that she had a three-year-old daughter when she recorded the production.

“I was also a baby. I was very small and I also had a marriage as a little girl, everything went very fast,” Klaus said in an Instagram Live broadcast in late May.

“I did not see her, really who raised her the first years was Marcelo (Greco, her partner then). I spent very few hours of the day with her, I did not share with her and that is very strong because that generates a lot of guilt” , He recognized after explaining that the biological father of his daughter Isabel, who is 19 years old today, was not with her.

Klauss had already caused many eyebrow lifts when he revealed that Greco was his relative by saying: “We are cousin-brothers, obviously there are many people who do not understand it.”

The actress explained of her relationship with her ex-husband and father of her second daughter Paloma that, since she did not grow up with him, since “he lived in Uruguay” and she in Colombia, she did not “see him as a cousin, she did not have the connotation of cousin”.

The lies on the set

The entanglements in Klauss’s life obviously come to naught compared to the story of the Elizondo sisters and the Reyes brothers. In 188 chapters settled in a livestock area, with a farm atmosphere and rural life, the revenge plans collided and fell apart with the passion of the three sibling couples.

During interviews, the actors often said they were “one big family.” The typical. However, it was García who revealed that he only developed a really close relationship with Cimarro.

“Mario was very supportive for me. As Mario realized many things that were happening, he cradled me a lot and I owe that to Mario because he loved me, I know a lot,” said the actress during a conversation in the social networks last week with her companions from the soap opera Lorena Meritano and Dinora Rosales.

The latter was also the interpreter of Who is that man, the song of the melodrama.

But that was not the biggest lie. A few weeks ago, it became known that Garcia is “panicking at the horses,” so the producers and directors designed an ingenious system to make it look like she was a complete amazon in the scenes on the farm.

In a video that shocked the internet, you can see the actress, who played Norma Elizondo, riding on the shoulders of an assistant, pretending to be on a horse. That’s why all the scenes of her riding were closed shots!

The soap opera was so successful that, in addition to memes, the revelation made headlines in the press such as “the worst lie of your life” and “the news that will ruin your childhood.”

The boy who was a girl and more revelations

As if this were not enough, the public was left with their mouths open when they learned that the baby that Norma and Juan Reyes had, the character of Cimarro, was not a boy, but a girl. Juan David Reyes Elizondo was played by a little girl named María Gabriela García.

Paola Reyes and Juan Pablo Baptista were the lovers Ximena Elizondo and Oscar Reyes, although according to the actors, they were frozen more than lovers. The romantic scenes between them used to be outdoors and “they were” always “dying of the cold,” revealed the Colombian actress.

So much so that in more than one scene they had to double their voices with a new recording in the studio. The one she remembers the most was one in a waterfall. “It almost gave us pneumonia,” she said.

Over the years and in multiple interviews, the actors have been questioned about the possibility of a sequel or a second season. All, with the exception of Michel Brown, have responded positively to the idea.

Although the only one that has extended beyond a “would be nice” has been Cimarro himself, who acknowledged that “it would be difficult, but not impossible.”

“It would be necessary to see the history that they present to us, if it is actually done, and to see how much time passed, if 10 years, 15 years passed …”, he contemplated.

The Cuban actor concluded with the humor that characterizes him: “and see what happened to each of us, so depending on what happened to each of us, we grabbed him there, but I believe that the characteristics of each character remain the same. Juan is going to continue being brute, because he did not study. ”

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