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«16 weeks of hell»: – Went down over 20 kilos

Through 112 days has six Norwegian celebrities completed a tough journey towards better physical health, with a tough exercise and diet regime.

Beinhard strength training and a strict diet have characterized the 16 weeks.

– I have the same BMI as Donald Trump now. 191 cm and weighs the same. There should also be a bell ringing, participant Christer Falck (52) told Se og Hør before the premiere of the program.

REFS: Christer Falck was criticized after a scooter trip he took to a better dinner with “16 weeks of hell” partner Jørn Hoel. Video: Red Carpet / Discovery +
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Divided opinions

16 weeks have passed and TV viewers have now been able to take part in a number of ups and downs. When the program started on TV a few weeks ago, there were divided opinions about the concept.

Many were critical of entertaining dieters.

Influencer and author Linnéa Myhre (31) was one of those who reacted most strongly. In a post on Twitter, she wrote the following:

“TVNorge’s ’16 weeks of hell ‘is perhaps the damn thing I’ve seen since Kari Jaquesson made slim TV with children in 2006. What are you doing, TVNorge ?? Are there no adults at work? »

SHOCKED: Christer Falck was among the celebrities who took part in “16 Weeks Hell”. In the second episode, he received a disappointing message from doctor Kaveh Rashidi. Video: Red Carpet / Discovery +.
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Discovery apparently took the criticism calmly, and replied that Myhre’s statement was that she had only seen the first episode. They did not recognize themselves in the criticism.

– They have all had completely different prerequisites, but also completely different goals. Some have wanted to become slimmer, others to become stronger or to learn to like to exercise, said communications consultant at Discovery, Ola-Magnus Svihus, to Campaigns that time.

Now the journey is over, and the participants have apparently got a new and better life. They have all undergone changes and different results have been achieved. The one who has probably had the greatest results is Christer Falck.

SORRY: Linnéa Myhre has complained to several people after writing about them on her previous blog. Video: Thea Hope / TV2 Sumo. Reporter: Ingebjørg Iversen / Rød Løper
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Went down the most

He got the experts in the program to stare during the last review. Among other things, cholesterol levels have dropped from 5.5 to 2.3.

In addition, he lost the most weight of all participants – 20, 3 kilos.

20 KILOS DOWN: Christer Falck was the one who lost the most weight.  Photo: Discovery +

20 KILOS DOWN: Christer Falck was the one who lost the most weight. Photo: Discovery +
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Although the TV recording has been over for a few months, it does not seem that the motivation has disappeared for Falck’s part. He exercises twice a week, walks every day and sticks to good diet.

It was TV 2 who first mentioned the case.

– I walk between 10-15,000 steps every day. I’ve been doing that since the day we stopped recording. Loves to go for walks with Jazzper (the dog, journ.anm.) And tends to put all phone meetings in those times, Falck says to TV 2.

COLD: Karsten Warholm shared a video of a training session that attracted attention around the world. Video: Karsten Warholm / Red Card / Klaus Fjellro.
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At the same time, Falck says that when it comes to exercise, he is primarily concerned with abdominal exercises and that it should be flat:

– Is not at all concerned with summer body and chest. Just concerned about being able to see my whole pee when I shower, and it turned out to be much bigger than I feared when I was at my thickest, he says to TV 2.

– Know the painful truth

Håvard Lilleheie (49) managed to reverse his long-term blood sugar from 42 to 39, and has also gained two kilos of muscle during the participation.

The comedian expresses to See and Hear that the experience has been great, but he has nevertheless learned a somewhat brutal thing.

PAINFUL TRUTH: Håvard Lilleheie is very happy, but has also learned something brutal about his own body and weight.  Photo: Discovery +

PAINFUL TRUTH: Håvard Lilleheie is very happy, but has also learned something brutal about his own body and weight. Photo: Discovery +
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– Now I know the painful truth: My body always wants to get back to where it was thickest, he says, and adds that it is something he has to live with.

Lilleheie is happy that he has received a kind of tool during the TV program. He is also very pleased that they have been offered follow-up after the end of the series. This is something he has already used, and something he thinks he will continue to use to his advantage.

«16 WEEKS HELL»: Håvard Lilleheie got to try his hand at wrestling. It was harder than he had thought. Video: Discovery +. Reporter: Celina Morken
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The 49-year-old has also learned an important thing.

– There is always a way back, but the job back is just as heavy every time, he says, and adds that he now knows how he will do it.

Praise the other participants

The comedian is also impressed with the other participants and their results, and experiences that people have stayed and have faith that they will continue with just that:

– I think Christer Falck will never go up again because he is so stubborn. He’s just going to find a place and eat crispbread until he goes to the grave. So he is completely safe.

DRAMATICALLY: Martin Johnsrud Sundby, who was the host and personal trainer in “16 Weeks Hell”, shares a dramatic story. Video: Red Card / Discovery + / «16 weeks of hell».
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Lilleheie also brags about Jørn Hoel (64) who has gotten better health and Agnete Husebye (26) who he believes has changed her life for the better through participation – and taken this further.

BETTER HEALTH: Jørn Hoel has also improved his health during the program.  Photo: Discovery +

BETTER HEALTH: Jørn Hoel has also improved his health during the program. Photo: Discovery +
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Lilleheie himself can happily reveal that he too has managed to keep to the training routines. Now it’s just a matter of taking time to exercise in an otherwise busy life.

CHANGE: Håvard Lilleheie brags about Agnete Husebye, who trains several times a week and stays on even after the end of the program.  Photo: Discovery +

CHANGE: Håvard Lilleheie brags about Agnete Husebye, who trains several times a week and stays on even after the end of the program. Photo: Discovery +
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Brilliantly pleased

Comedian Trine Lise Olsen (46) can also boast of good results. She went down from 89.1 kilos to 76.3 kilos. The goal she had set was 75 kilos.

To Se og Hør, the comedian can tell that she would like to continue with the program. She thought it was nice to do this with someone and misses talking about results and the like with the others.

FEELING MASTER: Trine Lise Olsen is satisfied with her own efforts.  Photo: Discovery +

FEELING MASTER: Trine Lise Olsen is satisfied with her own efforts. Photo: Discovery +
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– I am brilliantly happy and I think everyone could see that in the last episode. I was so surprised myself, says Olsen.

The comedian also makes no secret of the fact that she is proud to have completed and feels a sense of mastery. Now she is focusing on balance.

– I have remained stable until now. I think it has to do with training. Now I have become someone who has to train, or I do not feel well. That was what I was hoping for, she admits.

RAISES EYEBROWS: The Italian model Luca Marchesi attracts attention with jaw training on TikTok. It makes people react.
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Olsen is also pleased that they have learned a lot about diet, and explains that today she exercises several times a week. What she does most is walks of about an hour with a weight vest.

– If I manage to get there that I love to train, all the hell I can do it, Olsen says with a laugh to Se og Hør.

RESULTS: All participants have achieved results.  Here you see before and after pictures of Sandeep Singh.  Photo: Discovery +

RESULTS: All participants have achieved results. Here you see before and after pictures of Sandeep Singh. Photo: Discovery +
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The other participants have also achieved good results. Jørn Hoel has reduced his blood sugar from nine to 5.8. Sandeep Singh (36) has lost weight, improved his health and stopped snoring.

Agnete Husebye (26) lowered her cholesterol, lost weight and increased muscle mass.

ALSO READ: The twins have lost 80 kilos together

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